
Thursday, August 31, 2023

There Really is No Place Like Home


Today my copy of Martha Ess' new tatting book arrived!  It is titled, Whimsical Tatting, and it is a delightful compilation of characters from The Wizard of Oz, dragons, an alien, an adorable puppy, and an equally adorable kitten.

Whimsical Tatting Patterns
by Martha Ess

I've said it before and I will say it again, Martha's patterns are 110% pure pleasure to tat. Clear instructions, gorgeous photos and diagrams - what's not to love?

A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. – The Wizard of Oz

Dark Days on the Horizon 

My husband has asked for a divorce. My world has been thrown into chaos and uncertainty. Trying to find a lawyer. Beginning a job search after 16 years as a Stay-at-Home-Mom. 

The only things that are certain for me are:

  1. Navigating divorce proceedings will not be easy. 
  2. There will be many days ahead that outright SUCK. 
  3. I need to get everything Brody and I are entitled to/due for as long as possible to provide for Brody
I may not be able to blog for awhile. But I will try to keep tatting (I am officially adding tatting to the category of SELF CARE.  We all know what good therapy tatting is!)


  1. So sorry, best of luck in navigating the way forward, I hope Martha’s book brings some of the joy you need.

  2. I am so very sorry. I have been there and have a passel of t-shirts. Self care is SO important. YOU count.

    Much love and blessings

    Please call

  3. Oh honey - I'm so so very sorry. I've been there, as you know.

    This is hard. Please do as much self care as possible.

    I miss you. Please call.


  4. You will get through this, but it will take Time. I used to love reading about your Sprout, and then the Sapling! I think he is possibly old enough now to understand the challenges and he will be able to give you all the love a young man is capable of.

    Tatting is absolutely wonderful therapy!
