
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pay-It-Forward Giveaway Teaser

A bit of a post backlog is building so it is time to make an announcement:

An incredible, super-duper awesome gift arrived in the mail this past week from JB!

But I can't tell you about it just yet. All I can say is that it was my prize for winning the PIF Giveaway on JB's blog. I was floored with the workmanship and thought that went into it. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! See? I can't stop gushing.

A proper blog post will follow in a few days (with photos!) so you can share the awesome-ness in all its glory. Thank you, JB.

1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome. I honored to share my favorite hobbies with you.
