
Monday, July 20, 2009

Christmas in July: Snowflake Card

Saturday I received a piece of email marketing (what I like to call SPAM mail) from Jo-ANN fabrics. Normally I just delete these but the copy caught my attention. It was promoting Christmas in July.

Growing up in small town USA we always looked forward to Christmas in July celebrations such as sidewalk sales, lifeguard wearing a Santa hat at the local pool, strolling around the KOA campground admiring holiday decorations and making Santa smores around a campfire. Do people do this anymore?

A Christmas card project in the email got me thinking about how a small tatted motif could personalize or "kick up" a card design.

Replacing the paper flower in the card above with a tatted snowflake would be a nice addition, don't you think?

Booth Crasher
For lack of a better phrase, I crashed a lace demo on Saturday. Thinking it would have slow stretches when no one was around, I took along a small snowflake pattern book and my tatting bag to help pass the time and to demonstrate the versatility of tatted lace. A mini Christmas in July project seemed to be just the ticket.

Long story short, I never did start a snowflake at the Piedmont Lace Guild demo booth. After dropping by to introduce myself, I stayed for three hours. Bobbin lace was the focus of the demo but tatting got attention too, especially after I arrived.

In fact, I taught two ladies to tat and both of them got the flip on the first try! The second young lady left with one of my shuttles and some ball thread as a gift so she could keep practicing. At the end of the demo I felt so energized.

Since I didn't get a chance to start that mini-snowflake, it seems only right to invite you to create one with me.

Tomorrow is Tatting Tea Tuesday and a new post will go live with an edging pattern I had promised to share. But it is also my birthday. Here's a weird fact: I'm as old as the Super Bowl.

I'm sure you were hoping for a giveaway, but my birthday wish is for you tat a mini-flake for Christmas in July. Oh, and enjoy some tea-time cake to help me celebrate!

Thanks to each and every one of you for making this space so much fun to write in and update. Hope to see you again tomorrow for a birthday session of Tatting Tea Tuesday!


  1. Happy Birthday, hope tat it's a happy one.

  2. Aw thanks, Pamela! (for the wishes as well as for reading the considerably long way to the bottom of today's post)
