
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Round 3 Complete

Done yesterday during Tatting Tea Tuesday, after switching tea flavors. Hee, hee! Italian Chamomile soothed me through the ring re-opening. After a short blog surfing break (you guys always make me feel better) I switched to Lemon Ginger tea and worked the final stitches and end-hiding bits.

What do you think?

Taking a cue from weavers, I think I will try pairing this wonderful HDT with black or a coordinating solid to bring out the beautiful colors.

Is it just me, or does the Sweet Heart get lost? Birgit's heart makes such a stable and attractive center. It just won't do to have it get lost in the kafuffle.

The gap between the bumps is not pronounced enough for my tastes either. I will rework the pattern to give it a deeper plunge.

A long, maybe even twisted picot connecting the bottom tip of round two to round three would be good too. Oh, the possibilities!


  1. Well done it looks great, the tea must have made all the difference!

  2. I agree that black would add a stunning contrast. Beautifully done though. What will you do with it?

  3. It's VERY pretty - you did a GREAT job! I like your ideas for making it again, especially using black to showcase the original heart and the long picot at the bottom. It would look like a stained glass window!
    :) Ann

  4. Gorgeous! Maybe doing the part you added in black to bring Birgit's center heart? Just a thought.

    You did a great job expanding on the original!

  5. I do agree that the original heart gets lost.
    Maybe that matters maybe not,this one just hits me in the face and is full of joy, to my heart in particular.

    That sentence sounds rather odd but you know what i mean!

    A contrast would look so different and wonderful too.

  6. Very, Very Pretty. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. A wonderful heart!

  8. Very Nice, I like how this heart is shaped and of course this is a fabulous color.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  9. Lovely, D! It would look great with the addition of black. This is a great thread, AND you have to be careful where the colours land.

    To my eye, (and you DID ask!) that little bit of blue at the top left is a bit distracting - if I look for total perfection!

    The black might counter that design - hmmmm - flaw?

    Someone was kind enough to point this very thing out to me on a heart I posted a while back, so I see it now all the time...

    All that aside, you did a great job!
    ♥ A Critical Fox : )

  10. Fox, the blue at the top left is distracting you (and me too) because 1.) it is in a larger thread size and 2.) it is a color that is not present in Rainbow Bright.

    I will be doing this heart again with either black or a color-coordinated solid (Tatskool sells matching solids) in the same thread size.

    The flaw wasn't in the design, it was in the execution. My fault! But it is a great learning experience to see how it turns out and tweak it to achieve an even more pleasing motif.

    Thanks for your critique! Much appreciated.

  11. Very pretty. Hope you are having a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Cute! I really like this.

    And I agree black with HDT would be a great idea.
