
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Secret Revealed! Plus, a Giveaway!

Halloween has come and gone and I realized that I had promised to share a secret I have been keeping.

Several months ago, Mothermark hatched a plan to add tatting to her Teapot Tuesday cards and approached me about creating the tatted bits for her cards. I am so flattered and even more excited! Let me tell you, it is NOT easy for me to keep a secret either!

The reason for unveiling this collaboration by Halloween was that I had sent her a photo of my Halloween teapot. I call it my Witchiepoo Shoe teapot.

I was expecting to show you my teapot and the card she created from it. Mothermark went on a card-making hiatus for about a month and when she returned she has been deluged with hundreds of birthday cards!

On October 27, she posted her first post-hiatus Teapot Tuesday card and it looks like the inspiration came from a haunted house teapot instead. Boo! Or maybe it is a teapot-shaped candle, that moon looks a bit waxy!  (Har har!)

One WARNING before you go over to her blog to see. I got a big, red malware warning when I clicked on her site. After reading over the diagnostic details, I chose to proceed anyway and everything worked out okay for me. But you may not want to take that risk.

Here is the link to her October 27th Teapot Tuesday post: Blacken White's Gettin' Color Tonight

Here is another photo of it, just because I like this teapot so much. (Though I wish I had turned on my Ott Lite to bring out the true beauty of the colors.)

What is that peeking out from behind the spout? Flowering teas? You caught me. I'm stone cold busted. I know some people think they are creepy, but I love watching them bloom while I wait for the tea to steep.

Pressing on! At some point I am sure that Mothermark will create a card using my teapot, and when she does I will be jumping with glee! Golly, I hope she wasn't waiting for me to send her tatting to go along with it. It never occurred to me to do that. D'oh!

Tell you what? Let's make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Ha, ha! In other words, turn my oversight into a GIVEAWAY.

Here are the rules:
1.  Tat a small snippet of edging or doodle or a mini-motif, something that would fit on a 3x5 card and post a photo of it on your blog. If you don't have a blog, send me a photo in an email attachment.

2.Then come back and leave a comment on this post, letting me know where to go to see your beautiful tatted creation.

3.  Entries must be completed and your comment posted by Friday, November 13th.

Everyone who participates will receive two sachets of flowering tea from me! Plus the winner will have his or her tatting sent to Mothermark to be used on a future Teapot Tuesday card!


  1. love your teapot! i'm a sucker for teapots and tea! :p

    hey and u've got a good idea, to tat something related for a card! cool! let's see if i have some time on my hands... when do u need this?

  2. Thanks, Valerie, for pointing out that this giveaway needed a deadline.

    The blog post has been amended to include an end date of Friday, November 13, 2009.

    Friday the 13th!

    I like the idea of a superstitious day turning into a lucky one!

  3. Hi Isdihara, OOHHHH your teapot is spooktacular!! I love it!! I also follow Mothermark at "This is My Story" The cards she makes that are inspired by teapots are fantastic!

    Great giveaway too!! I think I will get in on this one! Hope I can tat the little piece tonight. I've never seen or tried the flowering tea, so this will be interesting.

    Ps. Very nice doily under the teapot!!

  4. The teapot is fantastic!
    This is a great giveaway/challenge! I love those flowering teas so I hope I can tat something up by the 13th....

  5. Your teapot is Stunning, I have never seen anything like it, Are you going to show more teapots from your collection. Looks great on the doiley.

  6. Hi IsDihara, I just posted my entry on my blog for your giveaway. I couldn't choose what to do, so I did a few edgings and motifs. That would be so cool if Mothermark made a card to resemble your teapot. I'll be watching her site. Happy Tatting!!

  7. What a fun idea you came up with! And when I look at your awesome picture of that fun teapot, it makes me sad I was not able to work it in this Halloween season but hey, we don't have to go Halloween....this is the world of make believe! I still have the saved copy of your picture of this awesome teapot on my computer....for future use!

    I am excited to see the entries for your contest. I am in awe of you and your tatting friends awesome talent!

    Hugs to you! Gives me warm fuzzies!

  8. Oops! I forgot to mention something about the malware! That makes me scared! I do not know too much about that stuff and wonder if its messing up peoples computer! I have not had any issues personally.....I am clueless when it comes to this stuff. But, I am so apologetic that happened!

  9. Hi IsDihara: I'm friends with Carol aka
    She told me about you giveaway. I will put a few of the motifs I have done on my blog aka I have been tatting for three years now and this year I'm really getting into this blogging. Happy Tatting.

  10. Rayanna, thanks for entering the giveaway! Send me an email at isdihara at gmail dot com with your mailing address and I will send off your blooming tea samples.

  11. This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! A winner will be announced later today.

    NOTE: I will be having this giveaway again in early Spring. Same rules!
