
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Word on Wanda

IsDihara and Wanda on Tatting Tea Tuesday

It's Wacky Wednesday and I am tatting today, but I must share my excitement over meeting Wanda yesterday. You want to know how it went, don't you?

If I were to describe Wanda and her family in one word I would be at a loss. I can't pick just one. They were magnificent, warm, vivacious and completely charming. Uber-awesome! I could go on and on with the gushing praises. They were so great.  Totally lovely!

Wanda was tatting when I met up with her. Perfect! Her shuttles made it easy to pick her out of the crowd. She was so easy to talk to. I could have sat there next to her and talked the afternoon away.

Wanda's Butterfly

She brought me this adorable paper clip butterfly in my favorite color and she even bought me tea!

Wanda is to be congratulated for remaining mindful that it was Tatting Tea Tuesday. In all the excitement I had forgotten. Didn't even bring a camera or tatting project to work on. Silly me!

I encourage you to go visit Wanda's blog to read her post about our meeting and see more of her wonderful tatting. What?!? You don't have it bookmarked already? Tsk, tsk. *giggles*

Wanda, I do so hope we get a chance to meet again.
It was such a pleasure to meet you and your family. I cherish the butterfly. Thank you for making it an uplifting and all-out awesome Tatting Tea Tuesday.

Next — Wacky Wednesday tatting and more!


  1. There's nothing better than meeting up with somebody who shares the same addiction!!! A rare pleasure for most of us!!

  2. That's so neat that you two got to meet! I'm glad you had a nice visit. I've yet to spot another real, live tatter out in the wild!
    :) Ann

  3. That is cool that you got to meet another tatter. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lucky you..the two of you to get to meet....and you both look great...know I know who I am talking to. brilliant.
    The ornament is stunning....drooling!

  5. It sounds like you 2 had a great time meeting up! It's really nice to have faces to put to the blogs, too! Cool paper clip, too!

  6. Thank you, Jane, sewmuchfun4, Tatting Chic, Tatskool and Katie!

    Except for a 2003 tatting tea hosted in my home (to which elkaybee came), this is the only other time I have met with a tatter whom I "got to know" online. And the first time the brave woman in question was a shuttle tatter (elkaybee is a needle tatter).

    Get out there and meet up with a tatting friend, y'all!

  7. How very fun for you two tatting bloggers to meet! Glad you enjoyed a visit :)

  8. I was so pleased you got to meet Wanda! I guess I'm spoiled because soon after I learned to tat in 1989, I met eight local tatters in 1990 (which amazed me) when I became part of the tatting/demo group, and met Carol Lawecki through her mom. Then I met Elizabeth Zipay in Mercer, PA in 1998 at a Victorian craft fair we both attended. But it was 10 years before we met again, and you'll be interested to know I surprised her twice at two of her shows in Washington, DC. last year! She has now cut back on her shows, andunfortunately Washington is not on her schedule this year! Carol and Elizabeth started blogging early on (they even had websites), so they encouraged me to start my blog! ! However, no one in the family really understands my passion to tat and blog!

  9. How wonderful you and Wanda got to meet up and have Tea on Tatting Tea Tuesay!! It's always fun meeting a tatter.

    Lovely butterfly on a paperclip. I need to make some of those. I love them. They are sooo cute.

    I get together with my friend Rayanna, whom I taught to tat 3 years ago and my Mom. So much fun tatting with friends, I hope to tat again with Kathy Nicklewiz soon. Happy Tatting to you!
