
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Motif #7, Tea Cupboard & More

This post will continue to grow throughout the day, as I have so much to post and so little time to blog.

Let's kick things off with a peek into my tea cupboard.

My Tea Stash

What's in Your Larder?
On January 3rd, the Tarnished Tatter shared a peek into her tea cupboard as she geared up for the first Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2010. Thanks for sharing, Heather!

I swear I did not tidy up the cupboard beforehand. Quite frankly, the top two shelves are too tall for me reach without a step stool.

Next is a completed UFO* from October 2009. (See Something Witchy is Brewing for details.)

It will be Motif #7 of my 25 Motif Challenge.

The pattern comes from page 53 of Georgia Seitz's pattern book, "Tatting on the Edge...and Beyond." It was first published in "Tatting Knots and Notes," a newsletter edited by Doretha Albee. The pattern is called "Doretha's Teardrop Edging."

The motif is tatted in Witches Brew HDT, size 20, from that tatting paragon Lady Shuttlemaker. Couldn't decide if I liked it better on white or black. You be the judge.

* UFO - Un-Finished Object. A term used on knitting (and possibly crochet?) blogs.

Still to come, another October UFO, T.I.A.S. Day 3 and more...


  1. Oh, the black really makes it pop! I've never paid much attention to that pattern before. I might have to try it now!

  2. Definitely the black. I LOVE that colorway! I have some in silk - just haven't decided what to make with it yet.

    I think I need that book! That's really lovely. You did a great job tatting it up, too!

  3. I agree the black definitely sets its off. Love the colours..... Woderful job tatting....

  4. Oh, the black really makes it *POP!* You did a great job on it!
    My tea "cupboard" is an oldfashioned flour jar that belonged to my husband's grandmother. I like tea, I'm just not very adventurous.

  5. It is absolutely fantabulous!! The black really makes it pop.

  6. Awesome that you finished your UFO! I know Doretha Albee! She's a pistol, she is and I'm glad to know her. She taught me how to do Magic Thread personally and taught me a few other tricks besides! Love her to pieces.

  7. Lovely tat. It looks great on black - I love the colourway. Your tea stash is awesome. I think all I have is 1 box of chinese tea at home!

  8. The black grabbed my attention BIG TIME! That is lovely. Like Gina, I never really paid much attention to this pattern - but I might have to tat it now!

    Tea? I have no comments as I am more of a coffee bean person!
    Fox : )

  9. It's a lovely motif and your tatting is so neat. It looks great against the black background.

  10. This is beautiful. Georgia must be pleased to have her pattern used by such a neat tatter.

  11. Another vote for the black and I gree with the others that your tatting is lovely.

  12. Your tea cupboard looks so inviting.
    Yes the motif pops on the black and looks like a diff motif on the white...but I actually prefer the white background as it seem to show the true colours better, more vibrantly.

  13. Wow, you have a great tea stash! I really like the Republic Teas, they are my favorites.

    This is such a pretty colorway and pattern you have used is one I haven't seen before. It is lovely!!

  14. I agree this pattern is lovely. Definitely on black. Your tatting is perfect. LOL, I actually thought it was two different colourways. I do have Witches Brew and I should start using it.

    I love to shop for teabags but I drink more coffee than tea. I store all my teabags in the freezer as it is too humid and I do take a long time to use up my teabag stash.

  15. nice UFO, i'm also a knitter and use knitting terms quite often to describe knitting, crochet, tatting and "life" projects!!!

    i agree with almost everyone else that the black background makes the thread colorway spark BUT i can see more detail of the tatting on the white background. hard to choose! i'm glad you put both up :D

  16. Well, I see I liked it then and I like it even better now! I have the pattern and so I had better get busy!
    Fox : ))
