
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fox is Published in Piecework magazine!

Just got my copy of the March/April issue of Piecework magazine in the mail.

Imagine my delight when I opened it to page 12 to find a tatted edging submitted by none other than Fox in the Trimmings section. She must be so excited!

Congratulations Fox!

FYI--I have been to every news stand and bookshop in my area looking for this issue of Piecework magazine and haven't seen one copy. They might not have been delivered yet. The link above lists March 9th as the news stand date.

Keep your eyes peeled and if you spy one, drop everything and flip to page 12 to have a look!


  1. Thanks for letting us know! I'll have to go out and look in a few days and see if I can find it!

  2. Well, no surprise there! That Fox is such a talented tatter - congrats to her! Thanks for alerting us all! I will have to find that magazine.

  3. I noticed it right away, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together to come up with our very own Fox! Thanks for setting me straight!

  4. That's fantastic! I'll look for that magazine the next time I'm out.

  5. I just received my copy. Her tatting is beautiful!

  6. You are our sharp eyed gal,well spotted and well done Fox.

  7. I saw it at the public library yesterday - beautiful edge!

  8. Any chance that we can see a picture of this achievement in a future post?
    Congrats Fox

  9. Sally, we can certainly ask Fox if she will share her lovely work.

    I am happy to request permission to reprint the pattern, but the editors at Piecework magazine will most likely say I need to wait until the magazine has circulated for a month or so before allowing it to appear online for free.

    It is really Fox's lovely handwork you want to see.

  10. Thank you, IsDihara!

    I shall indeed be posting about this page when I get my copy from PW! I still have not seen it.

    I have received permission from the magazine to post about it, and will do as soon as I get my copy in the mail! I can hardly wait!
    Fox : )
