
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy International Tatting Day!

Wishing you all a fun-filled International Tatting Day!

This wonderful animation was created by Tatman, aka Mark Myers! He has granted me permission to post it on the blog today. Thank you, Mark!

Please forgive me for dragging out the suspense, I know you all are checking in to find out who is the lucky giveaway winner!

For the past 24 hours my desktop computer has been stubbornly refusing to cooperate with my requests to open the Excel spreadsheet of giveaway entrants.

The upside for you is a few of you got your entries in under the wire just before I chose the winner!

After plying it with soothing promises of hard drive clean-up and de-fragmentation, the computer yielded.

All entrants were assigned a different number and those who were eligible for multiple entries were assigned two (and in a few cases three) numbers.

So without further adieu, after running the random number generator to pick the winning number...

The winner is Dale Marie

A big lacey congratulations to you!

If you want to read Tatskool's opinion of this gift pack, go to International Tatting Day 2010!

Tatskool received a gift set several weeks ago as a thank you for sending me a skein of Vanilla Sky HDT to add to the giveaway package! She has graciously been waiting to blog about it until I announced the winner.

And don't forget about TattingChic's 2nd blogoversary giveaway! You have until Sunday evening to get in on this goodie!


  1. Congrats Dale-Marie, you will love it.

  2. I am so EXCITED! I have never won a giveaway before, and am so happy to have won this one:-) Thank You!!

  3. Happy International Tatting Day to you too.
