
Monday, May 17, 2010

ArtBin® May Giveaway

Enter for a chance to win one of two ArtBin® Hook and Needle Nook storage cases. Color: Periwinkle.

Do I have your attention?

Your wonderful and helpful comments did wonders to lift my spirits last week. I also indulged in a bit of HDT shopping therapy. Unrepentant thread junkies always feel better after buying new threads!

But tatting snafu-ery continues. So for a few moments I'm sipping tea and having a rant.

The good news is that there will be a prize at the end for two lucky winners!

First, the Rant
It pains me to place an online order only to see it go through twice. What makes it worse is not finding a contact telephone number on the web site – only customer service email – and then being told via email – several days later – that "there is nothing we can do, the order has already shipped."

*Blarg and bother!* But my pain can be your gain.

ArtBin® May Giveaway
ArtBin® (tatting supplies not included)

I've put an assortment of tatting supplies in one of these storage cases to give you an idea of what it will hold (besides knitting needles and crochet hooks).

PLEASE NOTE: Twenty(20) to 25-gram spools of tatting cottons, such as Lizbeth and Altin Basik, will NOT fit in the divided compartments.

Smaller spools will fit, plus shuttles, picot gauges, crochet hooks and of course, hand-dyed thread.

Here's how to enter:

1. Comment on THIS POST to be entered for the drawing. Only one entry per person.
2. Leave me a way to contact you: email or blog link. (Entries that do not include valid contact information will be disqualified.)

Giveaway ends at midnight (EST) on Monday, May 31st. Good luck!


  1. That case would be perfect for my tatting needles and thread.My small scissors might even fit, too!Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. What a great prize! I think these cases would be perfect for storing my vintage balls of tatting thread! If I don't win, I will probably go ahead and buy one or two =) My email is thecrossens "at" just in case I should be so lucky =)

  3. Looks like a bead organizer to me!

  4. Twice? I have never had that happen - but it would be worth a wild rant if it did!

    I'm in for the draw! Thanks!
    Fox : )

  5. Looks like a good place to put some thread and shuttles. I tat a lot outside at this time of year.

  6. sounds like the online supplier's not careful with handling his orders as well... bummer.

    well, on the brighter side, someone or two people are getting a useful storage case. nice.

  7. Can't we all use extra storage for our supplies! Sorry, you ended upwith two, but lucky for one of us. Thanks for this opportunity.

  8. Ordering on line certainly does have its hazards. I'd love to have something else to make my tatting mobile!
    If I should be the luck one, you can reach me at marty1066 at yahoo dot com.

  9. Hmmm, IF I win this is there a guarantee that I'll become tidier?!?!?!? My contact details are lovetotat @

  10. That's a relatively big box to be able to store a number of small balls of threads. Good for storing what you stored!

  11. Hummm ... interesting storage idea, this looks like it might help me to organize some of my threads.

    I enlarged the picture to see your hanky better. Beautiful! Have we seen it before?

  12. Do I need more thread? NO! Do I crave more thread? YES! As one who had also double ordered on occasion, I understand your feelings. Maybe that's why I have so many knitting needles, crochet hooks, tatting shuttles...

  13. What a bummer to have double ordered! I did that once at HandyHands and they called me to make sure that's what I wanted. Saved by some wonderful people! Sorry you weren't so lucky, but lovely that one of us will be lucky to win your extra! I'm sure I can come up with 'stuff' to fit in the bin; do add me to the drawing!

  14. One can never have enough storage for tatting items! I feel your pain with the double order (and especially when it comes to online businesses that don't seem to want customers to contact them unless an order is being placed) so I would be willing to take that extra box off your hands. ;)

    janers41 at yahoo dot com

  15. Hi all! Thanks for all your wonderful comments!

    It really makes me happy to share the two extra storage boxes with fellow tatters.

    Bonnie, yes! You have seen this handkerchief before. It is one of my favorites. Love the edging. I might be persuaded to include it in the winnings...

    Tattrldy, I can attest that HandyHands was NOT the vendor. HandyHands has IMPECCABLE customer service and HH staffers always go out of their way to make ordering a joy.

    Keep those giveaway entries coming!

  16. Your hanky edge is so beautiful! I have yet to figure that out : )

    Thx for offering the art bin! What a lovely color : ) sorry about the double order - my details:

    leliaevelyn (at) gmail
    (dot) com

  17. oooooooooohhh pick me pick meeeeeee!!!!
    You know how to find me lol

  18. Art Bin! I use one of their plastic photo organizers for my take along quilt project. Love it, but can't find another in stores lately... good thing I bought two back ups! ;)

    I would be tickled to try another Art Bin organizer for my tatting. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    :) Ann

  19. We all have never enough storage for our supplies, have we? How kind of you to offer. You'll find me at:

  20. Oh my! This is a fantastic bin containers (in myopinion) are the best! Thanks for a wonderful opportunity to win one!

    ego at hotmail dot com

  21. Oh I love storage doohickeys! Would love to win, so pick me please!

  22. Oh Goodness! That case is lovely, not to mention the gorgeous assortment of threads you have placed in it.
    I am relatively new to tatting, and this would really be a wonderful addition to my little collection. Your tatting is simply amazing and what an inspiration you are!
    My co-ordinates:
    rlobirek (at) mts (dot) net

    Yes, I am a Canadian. If I were so lucky as to win your draw, and there were a problem with the shipping, you would please let me know...?

    ps: I have to go and find out about 'ArtBin' now...thanks!!

  23. That is a neat ArtBin Hook and Needle Nook. I have lots of tatting goodies to fill it up.
    Thanks for sharing with a giveaway.

    jl at pepperdotnet

  24. love the box. your hankie is gorgeous. please put my name into the hat. get me at .

  25. Would love to have ANOTHER container for tatting. The color is perfect! Put me in the drawing

  26. Ooooo! I love new containers to put my tatterings in! lol

  27. Hi, I wish I could tat as beautifully as you!

    I'm always using old (but clean!) food containers to keep my stuff in... I can't seem to find the perfect house for my tatting & supplies.

    This looks perfect!
    Please sign me up for the Artbin May giveaway.

    I can be reached at: tatterme(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. That hanky is sooo cute and please enter me as well!!!

  29. the box looks fab, blue too! You have to show us the hankie again!

  30. Wow, I am just learning to tat and could use the case for all the thread that you know I had to go buy!! Your blog looks very interesting.

  31. I could use something like that for my (rather modest) supply of tatting needles, thread, and whathaveyou.

    Right now, it all fits in a box. But that's not too spacious, or portable.
    Not near as pretty, either.

    Please enter me in the drawing.
    My email:
    blood_filled_dream (at) hotmail (dot) com

  32. What perfect timing! Ahem, if I win....
    My tatting is here and there and everywhere but in one place.
    This would be a perfect start.
    I'm at knackfulknitter (at) q (dot) com
    I love the tatted hanky underneath. :)
