
Friday, June 25, 2010

Piecework Heart Ornament 2010 Winners Announced!

WOW--I just received my July/August 2010 issue of Piecework magazine and was thrilled to see the gorgeous tatting entries that made the winners circle.

Congratulations to all the winners! It makes me so proud to see tatting holding its own in this competition.

Three tatted entries were judged ribbon winners, including a heart-stopping celtic design adapted from Rozella F. Linden's book, "Celtic Tatting - Knots & Patterns." The celtic heart was called "Open Heart" and was created by a lady in New Mexico. It received an honorable mention. It is a stunning, beautifully crafted heart!

A brilliant charmer of a tatted Valentine heart won honorable mention for a lady in Colorado. It was a classy, elegant Valentine that would melt the heart of any recipient. If the pattern is available I would tat it in a heartbeat!

The 2010 Grand Prize was awarded to a lady in Pennsylvania who submitted a tapestry crochet heart that she called "Coeur de Couleur." It is a gorgeous, gorgeous heart!

First Prize in the Lacemaking/Tatting category was awarded to a lady in New Jersey who created a tatted wedding ornament, named "The Bride's Sixpence." It was tatted using leftover silk thread purchased in 1964 for a wedding gown. It is the prettiest "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" a bride could hope to receive.

I could go on gushing praises, but really, you should see these entries for yourself. It is worth the trip to the bookstore or where ever you find copies of Interweave Press magazines. Go, go now.


  1. Here's the online pdf link that shows all the winners:

    I love it that tatters keep entering!

  2. Thank you, Gina, for sharing the online pdf link! Mind if I include it in the body of my post?

  3. OK, never mind that e-mail I sent you. I found the lady's name in Gina's link. Thanks, Is'Dihara, for sharing this; and thanks, Gina, for the link.

  4. The link didn't work for me. Has anyone else had the same problem? Drat! I wanted to see that tatting!

  5. did you guys see the bobbin lace heart..."I" AMAZING

  6. Isdihara! The thread I sent you are the ones that you picked out. If there are anymore thread that you would like Please let me know!!!!

  7. Sure - share it! They'll see it sooner that way!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. If you see the crazy purple in love entry by Pat Winter .... I tatted the purple butterfly!

    A friend is picking up the magazine for me today --- I cannot wait to see all the entries when I have the magazine in hand

  10. Lelia, yes I DID see that exquisitely stitched crazy quilt heart -- and your tatted butterfly is a perfect compliment. Well done!

  11. Hi,
    I'm still have commenting issues on the Thread Exchange Blog, so I'll respond here. I'd love to trade thread. My variegated green size 50 for your variegated size 20 purple? You can email me direct at essm at bellsouth dot net
