
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Brain Boost?

Found this today via @AlyssaMilano's Twitter feed:

How to Rebuild Your Attention Span

Maybe there is hope for my brain? (Heh, heh, at least until I acquire my own version of Brain Cell #3.)

The enviable CrazyMom visited Toccoa, GA, this past weekend to share some tatter-bonding time with KarrieAnn, Sharren and her friend Catherine. Read all about it: Fun with the girls

My friend Leslie told me about a lady she has been chatting with in her daughter's youth conference group who learned to tat from a group of British ladies several years ago. This woman wants to get back into tatting and Leslie graciously offered to introduce her to me. Cross your fingers that I will meet and re-introduce tatting to this new friend in the next few months.

Well, I don't have much time to blog these days, but I wanted to check in with you all and let you know that I am still reading as many of your blogs as I can and commenting as often as possible.

Missing you all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear all is well with you and the family.
    Have fun with your new tatting friend.
