
Friday, October 22, 2010

Little Roo (#2) on the Way!

I was testing a new widget to add to the blog in a few weeks, but more than one eagle-eyed tatter spotted it (for the few seconds it was live). So yes, indeed, I am pregnant with my second child. Squeeeeee!

I am so incredibly excited over this news! Having to sit on my hands so I didn't blurt it out was so hard to do! That is why my blog has been a bit quiet these past few weeks. Looking back, remember my posts about feeling all scatter-brained and my tatting not working out right?

Heh, heh, it turns out those were early signs. I was aware as early as three weeks after conception, but wrote off the "pregnesia" even as I described it to friends as "a lot like pregnancy brain, but not."

So far I have been lucky and have not had any morning sickness, but last time around I did feel nauseous for a short period at the end of trimester one. So the jury is still out on whether or not I will feel ill later on.

Since it is still too early to tell if we're having a boy or a girl, we've decided to use Lil Roo as an in vitro name.

Lil Roo's due date is estimated to be on or around June 2nd.

Cross your fingers and say your prayers that everything progresses well until we're "out of the woods" (week 12)

Big Daddy is rooting for a girl this time. I am happy either way, so long as the baby is healthy. And of course The Sprout is quite pleased at the idea of being a Big Brother.


  1. I'm so glad you've finally gone public!

    Congratulations - Roo, don't kick too hard!

  2. Congratulations on your good news, it seems to be in the air lately, I've been told that I will be a great grandma and a grandma as well!

  3. Congratulations to all of you!! Hope everything goes well for you!!

  4. Congratulations! June is a beautiful month for a baby... I ought to know! ; )

  5. Congratulations on the upcoming prayers are with you and the baby.

  6. Congratulations! Noticed you weren't posting much at all!

  7. Great news! Congratulations!
    Fox : )

  8. Whoooohoooooooo! yippeeeeeeeeeeee!

  9. ahhhhhhhhh congrats I am so jealous I seen that there and was like WHAT??? OMG too cool
    My sons Birthday is june 5 :)

  10. Sincere congratulations!!!!

    So happy for you, it's just amazing to watch #1 and #2 start to interact, and they do it much earlier that you'd expect. My second couldn't keep her eyes off her big sister from birth, and now of course, a year and a half later, they throw stuff at eachother, and then give big hugs and kisses to make up. It's a blast and I am sooooooooooooo happy for you!

    And I was totally in denial about my second pregnancy too, I was like, "Man, my boobs hurt" but did'nt click for a few weeks :-)

  11. What blessed news! Here's wishing all goes well for you and Little Roo #2!

  12. Congratulations! I wish your family the best. ^_^

  13. Yipee! Sending warm wished and good thoughts your way. I, too, noticed you weren't very 'talkative' lately. Glad it wasn't anything serious (as in bad.) Glad the Sprout is happy about the idea of Big Brother!

  14. Much happiness and good health to all of you!

  15. congratulations, sounds like another tatter on the way.

  16. Congratulations! And much squeeing.

  17. Congrats! Best wishes for a healthy, easy pregnancy!

    I can never get enough of holding a tiny baby and just looking at them - they are such miracles.

  18. YAY!!! I'm pullin for a girl. Like me... lol!
    And Little Sprout probably won't enjoy the concept so much once he realizes that Lil Roo requires almost all of the attention, but who wants to ruin his fun? =)
    Best of Wishes! Can't wait for a new cousin!!!!!! (or shall we convince this one that I'm an aunt?)

  19. Congratulations Karen!! I am really thrilled for you. Whoppe!!!

  20. I'm so excited for all of you! Congratulations.

  21. Congratulations on your Little Roo! June 2 is a great date to have a baby. That is my cousin's b day...and she is a great gal!

  22. Congratulations! I am so happy for you.

  23. YAY!!!

    I'm so happy for you!

    Here's hoping that everything will be OK *knock on wood

    Can't wait for some belly pics!

    Hey, Picadilly (aka Sherry's baby) and Lil Roo can be like e-cousins! LOL

  24. Gefeliciteerd!! (Which means: congratulations!)

  25. Aw... Congrats to all the family! I can imagine that Big Brother is going to be so thrill when Lil Roo arrives! Tons of prayers, good wishes and energy toward you!

  26. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

    Also, I ordered both of Ruth's books and have 're-found' Georgia's email with the English translation.

    I don't have your email address, but am happy to forward the email to you if you send your email to

    Kind regards

