
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tatting Tea Tuesday: Motif # 21 Red Bird

Tatted Cardinal © 2010 Anitra Stone
(Contact designer or Palmetto Tatters Guild
for more pattern information.)

Motif 21: Tatted Cardinal
The latest addition to my 25 Motif Challenge is my first stab at making tatted earrings. I chose Anitra Stone's oh-so-cute cardinal pattern.

I exaggerated the wing tufts just to see what they would look like. Here is a small photo from the pattern PDF so you can see the normal-length wings.

Hmmm, I think I prefer normal-length wings. My flyer needs tail feathers to match its larger-than-life fringe. (Take it from me, once you start tweaking it's nothing but work, work, work.)

This bitty bird measures a mere 1.25 inches (3.2 cm). I used Lizbeth® 20 in #671 Christmas Red, a tiny bit of black thread, one black seed bead and one orange-red seed bead. The pattern calls for two shades of red thread for added realism.

As for findings, I'm winging it. (← a pun) ツ

ADDENDUM: Anitra's Cardinal, as well as a whole flock of other birds, was inspired by Anne Bruvold's "Ringtrim" microdragon pattern. Special thanks go to Anne for inspiring such darling dragon offspring.


  1. I enjoyed seeing a cardinal sitting outsite my home offise this weekend - I love cardinals!

    Cute tat for earrings!

  2. Your cardinal is cute. He really seems to be flying. And yes, I agree, somewhat longer tailfeathers would suit him, but he is cute as he is..

  3. That is cute! Quite a feather in YOUR cap. as he has a real personality!cona
    Fox : ))

  4. Very cute! Awe, but by tweaking each one they are truly individuals, having their one personality. So when is the picture of you modeling your earrings?

  5. That looks great how you did it!

  6. they'll make great earrings!So cute.

  7. What a sweet little bird! I spent much of today watching the cardinals eating seed my husband threw out on the snow for them.
    :) Ann

  8. That is one "Sassy" little bird. Both are so cute.

  9. I'm so out of sync with TTT! I thought of it late last night as I sipped some Gingerbread Cream tea. Too late. Already posted. LOL! Your cardinal is sweet. I like the smaller wings too. Especially if you make them into earrings....too long of picots doesn't hold up well in earrings, even stiffened since they tend to bend.

  10. Aw, it's cute!

    Guess what I've got coming from HH.... some Peacock Blues!!!

    Can't wait to try it! I hope it hurries up and arrives!


  11. Nice cardinal, I am always looking for bird patterns. Would you explain how TTT works??

  12. Like em both but LOVE the long picots, they give so much character.
