
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Margaret, Modified Again

Today's tatting is for Fox who commented that she would like to see the modified "Margaret" motif in white, yellow and green.

Hurray! I remembered to try out Jane's "blipless" joining technique for the first join.

Boo! I forgot to throw off a green ring from petals two and four of the smaller, five-petal posy. *face.palm*

The ring was intended to connect the outer posies for added strength.

Journey commented that she would consider further modifying this pattern to connect the flowers. Sharon Briggs also mused about not leaving those posies to wave in the wind.

I agree! So the experiment continues.

(Can't help wondering, though, if a six-petal flower would align the rings and petals more judiciously.)

The outer round of posies reminds me of Western Springbeauty or Pear blossoms.

Easter Socks
The Nelson edgings for Easter socks were completed on time and given to my niece Jalice. Can you believe that is the first pair of socks to which I have ever attached tatting?

Another observation: two 12 1/2-inch lengths of edging (31.8 cm) are roughly halfway around a handkerchief.  Hmmm...

As for tea, I sipped my first seasonal glass of sun tea. It was a refreshing blend of decaf green, pomegranate and wild berry plum. (It sounds complicated, but tastes delicious on ice!)

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Sweet! Love those colours. Thanks! ♥ dientricFox : )

  2. How cool-- now it's a daisy chain!

    Take a short length of green thread, tie it firmly to each of those picots, and finger tat a ring. Then remember to do it on subsequent repeats!

    Are you using a 2-bobbin shuttle for this?

  3. @Miranda, I am using three shuttles, and holding the white and yellow shuttles together (no tape or putty or other sticky means) to tat the green chains. I own a double bobbin shuttle but it is occupied.

    I will certainly try the finger tatting!

  4. Very pretty and springlike! Now, if you're still taking color requests... ; )

  5. @Lace-lovin' Librarian Diane, I would be delighted to take your color request! What would you like? Something in blue, perhaps?

  6. I love looking at your site. There's always something interesting to view :)

  7. the three colored tattiong is very very pretty loved it .... wonder how u did it......

  8. simply love the three colored flower... wonder how u did it
