
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tatting Tea Tuesday Earthquake!

Thank you to all you lovely folks who have texted, emailed and called to inquire if everyone at Silly Hat Central was okay after the earthquake that struck earlier this afternoon. We're all fine.

The epicenter of the 3.7-mile deep (6 km), 5.8 magnitude earthquake was 70 miles away.

My younger sister, a Maryland resident, also felt the earthquake. When I called her cell phone, her exact words were, "I'm fine. My building shook like crap!"

My father was in Indianapolis, IN, driving an 18-wheeler (He's 75. Why is he still working?) and had not yet heard about the earthquake when I called his cell phone at 3:10 PM.

My mother was sitting on her back porch swing and didn't feel the shaking at all. (Not to worry mom, The Sprout and I - somehow - didn't feel it either.)

My husband was in Chicago, IL, on a business trip and I assured him that we are all fine. (We're still fine, honey!)

Here is what wikipedia has to say about seismic activity in my little corner of Tat Land.

The Virginia Seismic Zone is located in the U.S. State of Virginia in the Piedmont province covering approximately 8,000 km2 (~3,000 mi2). Earthquakes in Virginia are irregular and rarely above 4.5 on the Richter magnitude scale.

A look at the historical data for the eastern US states shows that this is the biggest quake to hit the east coast since 1897 (a 5.9 in VA) and the second biggest of all time (well, since they started recording such things) after a 7.3 that hit South Carolina in 1886.

As of approximately 3:05 PM CNN reports that all National Monuments are "stable but closed" and so far the only reported damage is to part of the central tower of the National Cathedral. (The cathedral is the highest point in Washington, D.C.)

The Wall Street Journal has just posted this disturbing bit of news:
Virginia Nuclear Power Plant Loses Power After Quake

The news services are reporting that the effects of the quake could be felt as far north as Toronto, Canada. Fox, did you feel it?

If you felt the earthquake in your corner of Tat Land, please leave me a comment and tell me what you were doing when the earth started moving.

Are You Still Reading?
If so, let me treat you to a small video skit called Tea and Earthquakes.


  1. my co-worker was just telling me about the quakes.

    So sorry if you have any loved-ones in affected areas.

    I realize 70miles is close, but thankfully it wasn't any closer!!

    Glad you're safe!

  2. Glad you are okay!

    I didn't feel it, but offices were evacuated downtown! It was a big one.
    Fox : 0

  3. Some folks in the northern part of Hotlanta felt it, but not me.

    It was felt BIG in Charleston SC and in the NC mountains.

  4. I heard about the quake from another teacher, but all we felt here in Illinois was the rumble of thunder. I really wasn't expecting rain until tonight!

    I'm glad everyone's okay. I'm sure I'll hear more when I turn on the news.

  5. I live about an hour north of Indianapolis but didn't feel anything. I usually experience an odd sort of dizziness but since I've been sick (much better this afternoon!) I've felt off-balance more than once so might have missed it. Glad you're all ok!

  6. Read about it when woke up this morning (it would be about 3am over here when it happened). I am glad to know that you are alright, as are the others who have commented.

  7. I live 189 miles north and east of D.C. in Atlantic City NJ and in the Dr's office I work in,the towers that hold the charts, swayed back and forth (more than I was comfortable with) for about 10 seconds. My sister,who has lived through several earthquakes in California,now lives 15 minutes outside of NYC and she also felt the tremors.

  8. Felt it strongly in Charlotte, NC, (at work) but I have been in stronger and longer earthquakes before. Not much you can do until it's over.
    Glad to hear you and the Sprout are okay.

  9. I hadn't heard about it, but I'm glad you're okay.

  10. Here just north of Athens, GA we felt it. Well, I say "we" but really it was my grandfather who was at home resting while I drove to pick up my sister from work. lol He thought it was one of our dogs under his chair, then remembered they were here at my house!

    Glad you and yours are alright! Hope there's not much damage around y'all.

  11. I live in the Southern Tier of New York and was at my computer when all of a sudden things began to shake. The dishes in my hutch shook but, we had no damage so all is well. Glad to hear all is well with you :)

  12. I am glad to hear you are OK, never heard of you having an eathquake in your part of the US, I thought it was the other side that had them. This world is changing and so many different things are happening now.
    First time I have been to visit your blog I followered a link form Umi and Tsuru.
    You have a lovely blog and I will be back again.

  13. It's not unusual to experience earthquake tremors here in Pittsburgh, but fortunately it's not a 'common' event and so far they haven't been severe.

    Yesterday there was the same 'rocking motion' of our chairs that others felt. (At first i thought an animal had got into the house and was trying to get out from under my chair! I panicked a little about that!) But DH was in another room and felt the same shaking, so then we thought it was probably an earthquake.

    It's amazing there wasn't major damage in Virginia. Glad you're okay.

  14. I was in the fifth floor of a building in Fairfax and we trembled enough to make my heart race. But we are all fine too!

  15. So glad to hear that you didn't even feel it, my friend near you felt the first one..havent heard how she got on with the second. Hope Irene isnt going to affect you.
