
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why Stash Reduction is a Mystical Concept

Lately those crafty editors at Interweave Press and Knitting Daily have been writing newsletters that speak directly to my fiber-lovin' inner child.

Weaving Today, for example, ran with the headline "Why Stash Reduction is a Mystical Concept."

You don't have to be a weaver to appreciate the wisdom in Karen Donde's column. Just substitute "weaver" with "tatter" and much, if not all, of her words will ring home.

Stash-busting is a hateful activity at Silly Hat Central, but a time comes in every Unrepentant Thread Junkie's (UTJ) life when limits must be imposed. So I propose embracing the mystic portents with a Thread-Busting Challenge!

Cover your eyes, spin around a time or two and blindly (dizzily?) reach into your thread stash. Or let someone else (your pet?) choose. Whatever thread gets chosen must be the starting point for your next project. AND anything you need to use with it must also come from your stash. Tap into your creative inspiration and let it flow!

If you choose to share the end result with Tat Land, please note in your post that you accepted the Thread Busting Challenge.  

By using up some of your stash you can order new threads with a guilt-free conscience.

Anyway, that's my alibi and I'm sticking to it.


  1. But NOOOOO....

    That means finishing UFOs and cleaning. NOOOOOOOOOOO

  2. Interesting idea but count me out now that the new Lizbeth range is coming out soon!!!! Well, OK, I'll try - will keep you posted if I manage it!!!

  3. Lily left the following comment (and I deleted it by mistake):

    I admittedly, am a Thread Junkie.

    It takes me (literally) hours to find the right pattern and the thread must go with that pattern.

    That is why it takes me so long to tat something... I just get Tatter's Block!!!

    I think, (no, I know) I will try this challenge... I must... for it is the only way that I will be able to survive in Tat-Land!! *Heaven forbid should I end up in a mindless, tat-less coma

    Now... if only there were a challenge for pattern tatter's block

  4. Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane has left a new comment on your post "Why Stash Reduction is a Mystical Concept":

    I love your idea! It will have to wait, though... I have too many WIPs right now!

  5. I agree with Jane an interesting idea,

    I have some new threads I want to try first but you never know I might just put my hand in the draw and see what comes out.
