
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Motif 9 Cross Your Heart

Motif 9 - Cross Your Heart
It is done! This could be the prettiest heart I have ever tatted. It demonstrates the versatility of edgings and bookmarks.

This dainty heart is adapted from Hearts Afire Cross © 2011 by Crazy Mom and Hearts © 2001 by Dee Powell. It is tatted in Lizbeth® 20 Victorian Red #670 and measures 4 inches by 4 inches (10.2 cm by 10.2 cm).

The Hearts Afire pattern is on the 2011 Palmetto Tat Days pattern CD. Mrs. Powell's "Hearts" bookmark is in "Tatted Bookmarks - Needle & Shuttle" (edited by Barbara Foster of Handy Hands, Inc.) on page 8. It is simply called "Hearts."

Cindy from A Happy Bluebird tatted "Hearts" in February, 2010. Her pretty Valentine Bookmark proved perfect for satisfying my crafty muse. 

Anyone interested in seeing more of Mrs. Powell's work is encouraged to visit Georgia Seitz' "In Memory Of" page, which will be available in the near future.

Tea Shop Mystery - Scones & Bones
Laura Childs' latest Tea Shop Mystery held my interest until chapter 22. The frenetic pace of the next two chapters rehashed previous material. By chapter 24 I had lost interest and flipped to the end to see "whodunnit." Surprise! I was wrong about the killer!

Scones & Bones gets a teacup review rating of 3.5 cups. Atmosphere and quirky characters move the story along well enough until the final 1/3; then peevish reader disdain set in. Where were the clues? It seemed as if the plot was circling the drain.

Don't get me wrong, beautiful descriptions of Charleston, interesting pirate lore and the Indigo Tea Shop's tasty treats were engaging. But are "light, cozy mysteries" intended to be short on plot?

Since this was my first "light cozy" I'm giving myself a second chance with Tea Shop Mysteries. Knowing that the intrigue is not easily predictable may keep me turning pages in the Jasmine Moon Murder. Let's hope a clue or two are buried, like pirate treasure, amid the gravestones of Jasmine Cemetery.


  1. The heart looks fantastic! The rings at the bottom really made it perfect.

  2. Fantastic heart!

    After your comments, I have re-ordered 'Scones and Bones' from the library. Now I am number 45 on the list! Initially I got it right away and then left it, not liking the cover as I told you...
    Fox : ))

  3. The heart/cross is gorgeous! Wonderful job on it!

    I love the light cozies - and no, there is supposed to be plot there somewhere! Check your local library and see if they have the Sarah Kelling mysteries by Charlotte MacLeod - they have quirky characters, interesting situations, and enough action that you won't fall asleep. I've been reading (and re-reading) these for over 15 years - sadly, it's a finite set, as Ms. MacLeod has passed on.

  4. love the heart!!

    As far as the book - interesting title.. too bad it loses interest

    (btw, word verification: urateed... that's exactly what you did to the book)

  5. The heart came out beautifully.

    I love your tea cup and saucers - there a whole set or just the one?

    Sounds like if I want to try these books the library is the best bet, just in case I don't like them. I have a bad habit of seeing a book that looks interesting at the store and just buying it instead of checking it out from the library first. Impulse reader:)

  6. Tattily, I only have one, not a whole set. My teacup collection includes one cup, saucer and bread plate of a design. And there are 14 different designs. It was a lot of fun to collect them this way!
