
Monday, December 26, 2011

Secret Santa Snowflake

Now that Christmas Day has come and gone I can share this photo of the snowflake I tatted and sent to a lady in Alabama whose kind request for 3 snowflakes was forwarded to one of the online tatting lists by Marilyn Jones.

While I couldn't send three, I could send one as a Secret Santa. It was Kira's Star, designed by Birgit Phelps and tatted in Lizbeth® 20 Snow White #601.

Kira's Star has been on my Must Tat List for a long while so I met two goals at one time with a single action. And this seemed like a doubly good way to unofficially kick off a new tatting year.

Wishing everyone in Tat Land a prosperous, happy and healthy 2012!


  1. 'Kira's Star' has also been on my 'to do' list, and I recognized it right away! It's a wonderful 'classic' design. I'm sure it was greatly appreciated by the recipient!

    I also wish you a happy and healthy New Year. I always enjoy your posts, and appreciate all your detailed info on Lizbeth thread!

  2. Nice job on the Kira's Star. A lovely pattern. I'm sure that the recipient appreciated it. And it is a great start to a new tatting year.

    Hope your Christmas was wonderful.

  3. That is lovely and I know the way you tat, so it must also feel wonderful! Lots of body, needing nothing but itself to hold its pretty

    Happy and healthy 2012 to you!
    Fox : )

  4. You've made a marvelous snowflake ! I love it, too...and I'm sure the lady in Alabama will be thrilled with it.
    Happy New year filled with love and happiness...
