
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Adventures of Auntie "Mac" and Her Flying Shuttles

Oh Sweet Mercy!  Have not been able to conceal the big, gaping grins every time Anitra Stone's husband and his pre-caffeinated story time creation popped into my head.  I first saw it on Anitra's Facebook page:  a status update that looked like this:

The amusing puns set off all sorts of happy thoughts in my head and I have been enjoying them all while working on my weekend tatting.

Wouldn't it be divine if a series of short one or even three-panel cartoons  (think Bill Watterson's Calvin and  Hobbes) evolved from this idea? I would be doing this dance if that happens.


And this cartoon panel animation, saved with the file name "pounce," seems ever-so-much fun. It mirrors to a tee the boyish antics that erupt at my house on weekends.


Any writers or sketchers out there (Tatman? or maybe even YOU?) who would give this a go?  Think of how much fun it would be to read about this in a tatting newsletter.

If anyone is interested in exploring the idea of Auntie "Mac" and Her Flying Shuttles through words or sketches, please be so kind as to contact Anitra Stone and her husband.


  1. I don't know I have done a few cartons and funny skeches but would I be able to do something, don't forget I am in the UK we have a different sense of humour to the rest of the world.

    I will try and think up something for you.

  2. I think this would be fun. Is Anitra's husband o.k. with doing this?

  3. Let's make one point perfectly clear: I am not commandeering the very awesome idea of Anitra Stone's husband.

    If Anitra's husband prefers NOT to do anything with the idea other than enjoy it as a series of amusing puns, that is A-OK by me.

    Anitra pointedly asked Mark Myers (Tatman) how soon we (in Tat Land) could expect to see illustrations.

  4. Sorry, I missed the last line. I went back and re-read it. I do think it would be fun.
