
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Don't spare the horses...AUGH!

Two more horses
tatted in the car.

AUGH!  Instead of working on my Gingerbread Boy, I have been tatting more horses on paperclips.  In addition to the first one, I have completed #2 in Lizbeth® 40 Pink Cocoa #166 and #3 in blue and taupe HDT from Shuttle Lab Trends  (size 20, I think).

Here is a photo of the thread.  I have lost the label, so I don't know the name or the size.  AUGH!  Hope Bates created any chance, could Hope -- or another reader -- fill in the blanks?

HDT from Shuttle Lab Trends
Just as I was hiding the ends on horse #3 I get a call from my LYS asking about Lizbeth® threads. The shop owner was placing an order before leaving for holiday break. What threads did I want to have on hand for the January tat-along?

I responded, "Any size 20 variegated thread that looks vaguely "horsey."

Palomino -- golden, yellow or tan
Bay/Chestnut/Roan -- reddish-brown to brown or rust to dark brown
Pinto -- brown and white patches of color

Plus, Pink Cocoa #166, Sea Shells #114 and Autumn Apple Pie #169.

Even though I am sure someone will want to tat "Black Beauty," I asked not to have black on hand.  It is simply too hard on the eyes unless tatting under a very bright light.  Shop lights are good, but not bright enough for black thread.

Après moi, le déluge
And then the shop owner dropped the bomb...could I tat up more samples?

I wanted to scream, "No!" (Why didn't I say no?)

Shouldn't I be completing projects (Gingerbread Boy, felt partridge, heart to send to JB) already in progress rather than starting something new?

CrazyMom suggested that the shop owner (who both needle and shuttle tats) create the additional samples herself.  What a wonderful suggestion.

But I opened my mouth and out came the words, "Well, these don't take very long to make, I can make another one for you in Autumn Apple Pie."  AUGH!

So, horse #4 is in progress using Lizbeth® Autumn Apple Pie. I am sure that Lizbeth® Sea Shells will also make a pretty, pretty, paperclip pony. And Lizbeth® Pink Cocoa is the stuff of little girls' dreams.

It's a good thing we have so many scrumptious threads to choose from, with hand-dyed threads on the top of this Unrepentant Thread Junky's list, followed by drawers of lovely Lizbeth®


  1. Reminds me of the lullaby: "...all the pretty little horses..." yours are the prettiest horses I've ever seen!

  2. These are SO adorable! How coincidental that the shop owner would call you just at that moment, catching you 'off guard'!

    Speaking of Lizbeth, I just discovered that our Hobby Lobby has sizes 20 and 80 but not 40. Kind of puzzled about that, but at least they do have Lizbeth thread for customers to see, along with Janette Baker's book/DVD. (Unfortunately, it's not obvious that there is a DVD included. I believe it's to avoid theft - sad!)

    But what really got my attention was a package of BOBBINS for the Aerlit shuttle - but NO shuttles! Will they be arriving at Hobby Lobby, too? Sure hope so - again so that casual shoppers can see them in person! I will be ordering one soon from HH.

  3. Love the horses. Off to the races!

  4. Lovely horses, great pattern, I know these shop owners don't realise how long it takes to do things, hope you get it finished for her.

  5. Just love them. Is there any chance that the pattern will eventually be shared?!

  6. All the pretty ponies! Such a cute pattern. Wish I lived closer so I could come to your Tat-Along.

  7. Those horses are adorable! I have a couple of 5th grade girls who love everything to do with horses. I think they should probably have some of those. Maybe when you finish making samples for the shop... ;-)

  8. Funny that no matter what we have on our plates we will still agree to do things we don't really have time for. But I must say these are so Adorable!

  9. Fantastic horses! I just can't get over that the shop owner is calling you to ask what colors you want on hand. WOW!

  10. The horses look cute! I love the response "horsey colors". They actually look pretty good in the Carribbean and purple too :-)) Good luck with getting all you want to accomplish done, but don't stress. You're supposed to enjoy this season.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Your horses are adorable! Please do not stress over the heart. I'm in no hurry. I do hope that you were able to use the towels.
    I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. Good luck getting all your Christmas chores done.

  12. I love the horses. You'll have a whole herd. Everything will be done eventually. It's not easy to just say no, I don't want to make another sample!

  13. Your tatted horses are so pretty, and handy as paperclips! Now I want some too. Will have to go find the patterns.

  14. Ah, Ambitatterous! We tatters never say neigh!

    You are a trouper and your horses are adorable!
    Fox : ))

  15. Any chance there is a pattern somewhere?

  16. Martha, the pattern is in a published book from the Netherlands, by Ineke Kuptje -- it is the one with the chess set.

    If you need more details I can share them. Just don't have them handy right now.

  17. Not having any luck finding this pattern. HELP!!!!

  18. Hollie Thomas, this pattern isn't available online. Where you will find it is: in the tatted chess set booklet available to purchase from Ineke Kuiperij.

    Unfortunately, Ineke Kuiperij is not on the web. She may only be contacted through Maria Surtel-Smeulders at

    Here is a link with information about all of Ineke's wonderful books:

  19. And here is an image file of the cover of the chess set booklet:

    Please do purchase from this master tatter from the Netherlands. The diagrams in the booklets are easy to follow. So you won't have to worry about the language barrier.
