
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Petal Progress

Two sample lily petals,
Beads added to petal - lower left

For a long time I have wanted to create a 3D Stargazer lily. (Or several lilies for a stem, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.) So I decided to use the pattern for a single petal as the April tatting social at my LYS. I started tatting petals and taught others to tat them too.Win - win!

Three petals complete

Six petals are needed for a 3D lily. I have made three so far. Hurray! Half-way to first flower.
Edit:  This free PDF pattern is available from Linda Davies' site: Tattyhead

Stargazer Lilies in my front yard (July, 2008)

See the gorgeous dark flecks in the petals? I tried adding cranberry-colored seed beads to mimic them. (See top image) My size 15 Miyuki beads are a bit too small, but the color is perfect!

Stargazer Lilies in my front yard (July, 2008)

Stargazer (as are most) lilies are uplifting and majestic -- a perfect choice for Tatting Tea Tuesday. Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Gorgeous, I brought a few of these bulbs a couple of weeks ago, but so far the weather has been too cold to get in the garden to plant then, I love them but the perfume from some I brought last year was so powerful I had to get rid of them.

  2. Can't wait to see the completed lily - very pretty so far!

  3. Wow! Those lilies are glorious. We only see them as cut flowers here never in someone's garden . Can't wait to see the tatted 3d lily too.

  4. I love Stargazers! Can't wait to see how your tatted ones turn out!
