
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Motif 24 - German Triangle Motif

For Tatting Tea Tuesday I decided to forego tea and focus on creating a new blog header. Still tweaking the fonts, but doesn't the lace look good in succulent summer colors?

Inspired by Jeff Hamilton (Bridge City Tatting) and Fox (Tat-ology), I have blithely jumped on the bandwagon for Susanne Schwenke's triangle motif.  The pattern and diagram are available in her book "Spitzen-Kreationen" on pages 42-43.

Susanne Schwenke triangle motif
tatted by IsDihara

Thread used is Lizbeth® 20 #156 Juicy Watermelon. I was using up leftovers from the Jane's Bookmark Cross I made at the end of May. This triangle is so nice to tat and gave me good practice working only from a diagram.

The backdrop is one of my fingerless gloves. The soft halo the Angora fibers give the lace is quite pleasing. Here is another look at the gloves:

Hand-spun Angora
knit fingerless gloves, top

One side is smooth and the other is ribbed so it is like having two sets of gloves in one.

Hand-spun Angora
knit fingerless gloves, bottom

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. Yes, it looks good enough to eat! Love your gloves too, they'll be very cosy.

  2. Lovely motif and gorgeous colours, are you going to make a few more and into a doily like Jeff.
    Great gloves.

  3. Love the new header - particularly the clever font and way you've done the title. You've got me wanting to play with mine again. Must take a look and see if I've got that book too!!!

  4. Love the new look- very pretty. And that motif, well I am a big fan!
    Fox : )

  5. Nice header and pretty motif. Those gloves look really nice for chilly weather, I really need to get me some.

  6. The header looks great! And very summer-y. I thought it might be a watermelon color even before I read what the thread was - it certainly looks good enough to eat :-) Hand-spun Angora, by you? The gloves look good but a little warm for the weather we just started - 101ยบ yesterday and supposed to be hotter today :-(
