
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

AParently Speaking

Feeling nostalgic, I scrolled through old "mommy blog" posts the other day. Reading about Sapling's early days reminds me that I need to publish these little moments into a hard copy book so we can read them when he's grown.

The first blog post I ever wrote:  Lettuce be on your heads

Little Sprout circa 2007 wearing his first "silly hat"

Digital scrapbooking was my hobby before Sapling (who was called Little Sprout, and later Sprout) was old enough to allow mommy "me time."  When everyone was asleep I would sit at the computer and create scrapbook pages for a few hours.  I also "scrapped" this blog header.  Still love how it looks.

Here is a sampling of my favorite scrapbook pages:

Toilet Paper Tomfoolery

My Little Prince

Found my Toes

Pumpkin Patch

Horsey Rides with Grandpa

Strawberry Pickin'  (Big Daddy made this one.)

Christmas Cookie Wishes

And one of several I created for those first Father's Days:


  1. Lovely scrap pages, memories that will last. Lifetime and beyond

  2. Gosh, and he still looks just the SAME!

    Too cute!

  3. I love looking a scrap booking pages. I even have a program on my computer. Maybe I should try it out! ;-)

  4. Beautiful job scrapping. Precious memories. He is such a handsome fella. They grow up so fast.

  5. These are excellent 'compositions', and you seem to have had some excellent software to create special effects. Digital books eliminate the need for all those background papers and other scrapbooking supplies and gadgets! You definitely should have the pages printed! It would be a wonderful book of
    special memories!

  6. aw, never saw him when he was your scrapbook pages. thanks for sharing!

  7. Such lovely memory pages, I only ever got round to finishing a couple of pages.My daughter has made lots,so lovely to look back when they were so little.

  8. I love his lettuce hat and your tatting!
