
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Motif 5: ENCHANTER-Inspired Heart

ENCHANTER-Inspired Heart (original design © 2010 Jon Yusoff)

This beautiful little heart flew off my shuttles today. It measures 1 5/8-inches wide by 1 3/8-inches tall (4.5 cm by 3.5 cm) and is tatted in Lizbeth® 20 Boysenberry Dark #644 and Flora 20 #238.

It was inspired by Jon Yusoff's ENCHANTER heart that was offered as a Valentine gift to the tatting community in February 2010.

As I emptied two shuttles of leftover thread (as tatters do) Jon Yusoff's "Enchanter" came to mind. Two minor modifications have been made to tweak the heart shape.

Profuse thanks to the versatile and talented Jon Yusoff whose elegant style and generous spirit have inspired us all since her tatting debut.

Her designs are unquestionable in their elegance and grace, and always a joy to tat. This design is no exception.  The modifications arose from playing around with starting points.  (...'if I start from HERE on the diagram, what would I have to do to climb out to round two?')

A Trio of Tatted Crosses

In May I tatted three cross bookmarks from the marvelous pattern by Grace Tran: Jane's Bookmark Cross © 2013 Grace Tran

The first one, admittedly my favorite of the three, was gifted to Sister Mary Seton whose favorite color is purple. Tatted using Flora 20 #64 -- I just love how the dark purple falls at each end of the horizontal bars and the whites seem to stripe down the center.

Jane's Bookmark Cross
Tatted by IsDihara 2015
The cross measures three (3) inches in length (7.62 cm) and two (2) inches wide (5.08 cm). Grace Tan cleverly adapted Jane McClelland's bookmark pattern into a cross, which itself was adapted by Jane from a braid that appeared in the May 1984 Anna Burda magazine.

Isn't teamwork wonderful? The evolution story of this cross is quite good too. Without the Internet bringing these people together would this cross have been created?

Jane's Bookmark Cross
Tatted by IsDihara 2015

Crosses two and three (from top to bottom) were gifted to Sapling's Teacher Assistant and his Reading Resource Teacher.  Top one is tatted using Lizbeth® 20  Caribbean #122
and the bottom cross is tatted using Lizbeth® 20 Summer Fun #104.

So, I have been tatting, even though I haven't been blogging.  Keep the faith!


  1. Yes, the internet has done wonders to make collaboration and evolution possible across the world. Hooray!

  2. Nice heart and fabulous crosses!!! :)
