
Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Here! Thank You, Tatskool!

An envelope filled with these scumpt-dilly-icious hand-dyed threads arrived today from Tatskool. Click on the image for a larger view.

I didn't think it was possible but the hanks are even more beautiful than in the photos. As crazed as it sounds, no words can describe my glee at holding them in my hands.

She even included an "itty-bitty" skein of Rainbow Bright! See it?

I had intended to reserve this blog post until I got a sample tatted up to show along with scans of these luscious-looking threads. But I just couldn't wait! It is too hard to choose which colorway to load onto shuttles first. *big.goofy.grins*

Pamela, you've made me a very happy lady. If your other customers are a fraction as excited as I am, you need never worry about where your next dollar comes from.

Thank you again (to the power of 10). Hey, that rhymed!


  1. Oh! you are making me blush raspberry pink! So glad you like. I must ask....did the thread still smell of vanilla?????

  2. Those colors do set my mouth to watering! Can't wait to see what you make out of them!

  3. Pam,

    Oh my, YES! My husband noticed it first.
    I was hypnotised by threads in my hands and said, "What was that, honey?" Then I caught the lovely scent.

    Mmmmmm, vanilla.

    Some day the Internet will have smell-o-vision. Until then, the only way to experience this wonderful treat is to order some Raspberry Ripple with Real Vanilla!

  4. Diane, I'm finishing up a backlogged project (a book review) and then I can reward myself with a Tatskool HDT tatting session.

    It's the perfect motivation to get the book review finished!

  5. Oh, don't you just love Pamela's threads!? They are so pretty! Lucky you. She must've put a bigger piece of vanilla bean in your package! ;)
