
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fishy Fun on Tatting Tea Tuesday

Happy Bastille Day, everyone.

Instead of nibbling fancy French chocolate and tatting with the colors of the French flag, I'm settling in with a mandarin orange/decaf green tea. Today's tea accompaniments include gossip, photos and a bit of tea lore.

This past week I have been steadfastly working on a design for a heart. Just finished it late last night. The test sample looks so ragtag from emptying three shuttles of end-threads I just couldn't bring myself to scan it. Writing out the pattern to work it all in one pass will make it easier for you all to try.

Test tatting continues on the fleur de lis edging as well. It has been giving me some trouble, but I am still excited to get it worked out. Who knew "communi-tea" would be so invigorating.

Who am I kidding? It's all you! Your continued interest has spurred my "creativi-tea" as well as huge swells of gratitude. Can't thank you all enough for dropping by my little tatting corner each week.

Can I share a delicious bit of tea gossip? Just a tiny morsel to tease your appetites...

I received a flood of nearly unanimous responses to my recent call for nominations to revive my old National Treasure feature. You all didn't waste any time! You knew who you wanted to see.

But I can't spill the beans about who it is. That would be cheating. No amount of wheedling, trickery or chocolate will get me to talk. (Can't believe I wrote that chocolate wouldn't work.) I can tell you this: it is a joy to prepare this write-up.

To keep things interesting and fun, the following photo contains two clues to the National Treasure candidate's identity.

(I've probably just made it too easy for you uber-sleuths out there.)

If you've seen one of these fish-shaped shuttles before, you might hazard a guess as to the next National Treasure tatter's identity. Mine arrived earlier this week via parcel post. It has been a great week for receiving tatting goodies!

Decypher the squiggle underneath the fish for clue #2... Isn't this fun?

Can't wait to use this fishy shuttle next time International Tatting Day rolls around. (April 1st) I'm sure I will use it before then too.

Last but not least is tea lore from Tea Digest: Teatime at the Cat-Tea Corner. (Why? Because I love the pun!) It's not revolutionary, but still welcome in this little corner of tat-land.

Well, my tea has gone cold while I'm at the computer. Off for a freshly steeped cuppa to begin writing out the pattern for my heart.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. What a neat post. Thanks for the link to Tea Digest. I am planning a tea party for some of my friends during the holidays. That website will be very helpful. My guess is Geogia Seitz. I have taken two classes from her and enjoyed them so much. She is so talented.

  2. You're most welcome, JB! Tea Digest is one of my faves, ever since they posted instructions for folding an origami teapot. I have folded origami teapots for invitations as well as folded paper napkins into origami teapots for tea parties. Best of luck with your tea party!

    Protocol demands I keep mum about your guess for a while longer, but it is a right-good guess! So glad you had fun with this week's post.

  3. I have one of those lovely fishy shuttles too and you have picked the PERFECT person as a National Treasure because she IS!

  4. Thanks, Gina. You're absolutely right!

  5. That little fishy shuttle is very cute!

    I wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway! Be sure to come on over and join in!
