
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tatting Tea Tuesday - Motif #2

Last week's short break from designing yielded this (not quite finished) patriotic bookmark. Fringe still needs to be added to each end. But it turned out nicely so I rushed to scan it and post it up for Tatting Tea Tuesday.

This bookmark is my second motif for the 25 Motif Challenge. It is tatted using Flora red, white and blue variegated tatting cotton in size 40. The pattern comes from "Tatting Patterns" by Mary Konior.

Is it too weird to be enamored of a motif? This motif comes together quickly and has enough variety to hold my interest. And the best part? The final join secures a chain to the base of a ring. No twisted picots.

This motif would look lovely repeated around an outer layer of a doily. So don't be surprised if a later 25 motif challenge item includes eight or nine or more of these around the outer edge.

Lastly, the thread has been in my stash for a long time, waiting for a project that would really show it off. I quite like how it looks, though a comparison with hand-dyed thread is warranted.

Tatting at the County Fair
This week Big Daddy, The Sprout and I visited the county fair, taking in the sights, sounds, foods and fun. Of course I scoped out the Home Arts building to see what tatting was on display. I found two entries. Both were First Place, blue ribbon winners. Congrats to the tatters who submitted these entries! (There were no names on the displays, so I have no idea who they are.)

Celtic Motif from the County Fair

Shadow-box of bridal tatting from the County Fair

And this shisha embroidery item really stood out, so I had to photograph it. As a security measure, I have blurred out the county and state names on the ribbon as well as the green entry tag.

There were loads of crocheted, knitted, quilted, home-baked and home-canned items at the fair. One other (to me) unusual display was hand-blown and decorated, Faberge-style eggs. I wanted to include a photo, but there were too many ribbons and tags to alter and I would not have been able to get this posted today if I didn't stop fiddling in PhotoShop. Email me privately if you would like to see.

Ohmigosh, I was so busy finishing the tatting for motif #2 that I forgot to brew a cup of tea to enjoy! Let's pretend that it was something patriotic, like (I'm making this up...) Boston Tea Party blend or something.

I did find a wacky teapot blog to share called Teapots, Teapots, Teapots. There are breathtaking teapots here such as the heart-shaped teapot, plus plenty of unusual art tea pots to tease a grin or two. Like the Purple Teapot or the Ronald Reagan Teapot!

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.
See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. "Is it too weird to be enamored of a motif?"

    Are you kidding! I adore motifs - the more Victorian, the better! I am about to post the one I am currently captivated with very shortly.

    I adore yours! Very pretty! Fox : ))

  2. LOL! I agree with's not wierd to be enamored of a tatted motif! I am always enamored with the one I'm currently tatting...otherwise I wouldn't be tatting it! :)

  3. Great pattern for a bookmark! And Double WOW on the tatting from the fair. The motif looks complicated and the bridal veil, gloves and handbag are so pretty! I wonder if they wedding dress this will go with will have some tatted tgrim too. Thanks for showing these pictures.

  4. I forgot to mention the site with all the teapots is fantastic. I have never seen such creative teapots before. My favorite is the purple teapot. And who would have ever thought to make a Ronald Regan Teapot. LOL!!
