
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vote: Aye or Nay?

Up way too late blog crawling, I caught myself writing a couple of novel-length comments on other tatters' blogs. Now I'm feeling guilty and wondering if I have alienated potential tatting friends.

What is your take on comments? Do you prefer short and sweet? Colorful and descriptive? Are Pride and Prejudice posts more like Crime and Punishment? Don't care as long as the comment is complimentary? Please share your thoughts.


  1. Hi Isdihara! I like descriptive comments. It's more like having a conversation with someone and lets the commentee and commenter get to know each a bit more, IMO.

  2. Comments are in the eye of the beholder. I say people can always ignore them if they want. I personally like a comment with some meat in it, even though I'm guilty of the "gee that looks great" comments too. I like connecting with people though. you can come leave me a novella anytime!

    P.S. I think you can delete comments you have made, on blogger at least.

  3. Comments are what makes blog writing fun. You're right that its tricky to write a comment because so much of the written word is interpretive. A comment that you may think is funny or kind or helpful someone else doesn't.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love all comments; long, short, abrasive, gentle - all of it - the whole enchilada, as long as they are REAL and HONEST! : )Fox

    And, yes, Krystle, you can delete your comment - that was mine, above, that I just deleted in order to correct something!.

  6. I have no problem with comments or length of comments. I also don't feel bad if there are NO comments. LOL! I don't view it as a sign of my self-worth or anything. If someone is interested in something I've written, it's great to know but it's not like I'm a publication for sale that depends on its readership. A comment can also be the start of a great friendship.

  7. I'm new to your blog. I think I found it through Fox's, but that's neither here nor there...

    Anyway, I have felt awkward after a couple comments I have left also - had a "did that come out right?" feeling. And no, no harm was done. I think people can tell when you mean well.

    I don't think a long comment is bad either - it's FUN to hear what someone ELSE thinks.


  8. Great question! I do love to leave comments and I have left both long and short. When I am short on time, I might leave a shorter message. Other times a post might jog a memory and I might share that. I love to receive comments too, short or long it doesn't matter. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to let me know what they think.

  9. I started my blog really just to sort of keep a journal for myself, so comments long or short are a fun way to meet others with the same interests. I wouldn't want someone to leave a gushing comment that wasn't their true thought though - I find I can learn a lot of great things by reading the comments on everyone else's blogs.

  10. Thanks so much everyone for sharing your perspective on leaving comments! I feel a lot better now. (But I still need to find a way to read all the wonderful tatting blogs out there without staying up all night! LOL)

  11. I love reading the comments on my blog - and truely wish I could respond to each and every one - long, short, or otherwise! No-one has ever left a comment that offended me, and I feel I have made some great friends in laceland and beyond through the comments. OTOH - my partner has very few comments on his hover pages and really feels no one is reading!...BTW you can find the quanti snowflake on my blog at Jon's Pattern Pages...need to learn to transfer the link! will find it on one of my earlier posts! Sorry, this is a novel for me

  12. I like reading comments, long or short, good or bad. It's fun hearing from others on what's been posted. I like reading posts left on other blogs, too. As Steph said, it makes it more like a conversation. Sometimes I like things but can only think to write "looks great" or somesuch, but I like them to know someone out there thinks good things about what they've done or written.
    And if you find a way to surf the blogs that doesn't keep one up all night, please share!

  13. I like all comments, long, short, critcal or otherwise. Even week or months after the original post. I don't care, I just love that people are willing to spend a minute of their time saying hello.

    I'd asked this question before once too and everyone seems to agree, we'll take comments any time. :-)
