
Friday, January 1, 2010

National Treasure — ♥ Georgia Seitz ♥

Congratulations to Georgia Seitz for championing the tatting cause and exemplifying the qualities most admired by her peers through action, support and published works. Ms. Seitz is a national treasure.

It gives me great pleasure to announce Georgia as the recipient of this year's award. She has inspired and encouraged, taught and touched tatters for 30 years.

Georgia continues to bring about positive change with the online tatting class — 2010 is its 11th year in session — teaching at local lace guilds and IOLI conventions, and helping to raise scholarship funds at Tat Days.

Hundreds of lacers have been influenced by Georgia and her teachings. But she would be the first to tell you that all of the tatting events online are a group effort and not a one-tatter show. (See her comment below.)

When the call for nominations went out in June 2009, it was apparent almost immediately that Georgia was first choice in many minds. What wasn't clear until later was that the polling would be unanimous.

One voter wrote in, "As much as I would like to nominate myself...I have been fortunate to experience her style of teaching...Georgia (Seitz) gets my vote."

Half a dozen voters commented about the vivacity Georgia brings to tatting classes and events. Her presence at a tatting event 'always makes for a very merry, laughter-filled' occasion.

Georgia Seitz's first nationally published patterns appeared in Piecework, Vol. 1 No. 3 Nov-Dec 1993. She has also been one of the tatting editors for the Belgian Lace School's International Lace Magazine.

She began with an interest in lacemaking which had her collecting lace pieces for years. In the early '70's she began seeking tatted lace almost exclusively. Since 1979 she has been tatting and teaching.

In 1985, Georgia took up a new challenge. During that summer, she was listening to the CBS Evening News when she heard Charles Kuralt give a report from "On The Road". Charles was interviewing a number of old ladies from the Midwest who tatted lace. At the end of the interview Charles said that when these ladies died, so would tatting. Georgia sat down right then and sent off a telegram to Charles telling him that "Tatting is alive and well and thriving in Alaska!"

She has exhibited or judged tatted lace at the Alaska State fair often and has five times been recognized as Division Champion in Tatting at the Fur-Rondy (1988, 1989, twice in 1991 and 1993). After ten years of trying she finally received a Grand Championship Purple Rosette at the 1996 Alaska State Fair for a doily with a beaded tatted edging. Unfortunately, the category was not "Tatting", but "Other."

Undaunted, Georgia continues to teach,  write and publish a series of books on tatting, entitled Ribbonwinners.

She operates her own mail order business for publishing pattern books and tatting shuttle manufacturing.  And in her own words, "I have loved every minute of it."

Georgia says her greatest joy is "watching new tatters blossom, old hands gain confidence to design, and encouraging other tatters to publish."

Please join me in congratulating Georgia Seitz and thanking her for her unwavering support!

Editor's Note: Thank you, Georgia, for sharing information from speeches, bios and other published materials to compile this award feature. All images are reprinted with the permission of Georgia Seitz

The National Treasure award is given by nomination to tatters for their dedication and support of the art form around the globe. The award recognizes individuals who go above and beyond in their efforts to further the art of tatting through their contributions, and who exemplify (through action) excellence by expanding tatting boundaries or otherwise perpetuating the art.

Nominations will be awarded annually or as often as nominations permit. Calls for nomination will be posted four times each year as a reminder.


  1. CONGRATS GEORGIA!!! I never knew there was anything like this... She is truely an awesome lady i definately need to get back to her classes I enjoyed them

    PS did you get my messages on facebook??

  2. There is only one National Treasure and it's certainly Georgia. Hang on, no. She's not a National Treasure but an INTERnational Treasure. I've had the pleasure of meeting her several times in 'real life' and love her to bits. In the UK she would've been knighted or OBE'd or CBE'd or even put on a pedestal in Trafalgar Square. She'd have been invited to a Buckingham Palace tea party too. Well done Georgia and thank you Isdihara for the post and more information than I already knew!!!!

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for posting this. I am sure there are others, like me, who have heard of Georgia, but do not know much about her. She has accomplished so very much and is truly to be acknowledged and congratulated.
    Fox : )

  4. Oh my goodness! How very sweet of you to make this award. I am very touched indeed. I appreciate everyone's comments so much and I thank all the tatters for their support.

    Tatting is one of the ties that bind us around the world. No matter where you live, nor what language you speak, we all understand the language of tatting.

    I am so happy to begin the 11th year of the online tatting class with such a wonderful moment.

    Please be aware that all the tatting events online are a group effort and not a one tatter show. I thank all the generous tatters who have helped to make this last decade so memorable.

    Heather, please email me at I don't want to miss your messages at Facebook.

    Fox, please email me, too, and let's get acquainted. I hope you will come and join the online tatting class. You can be the first new tatter for 2010.

    Jane, my "treasured" friend, thanks for your kind words. I can only hope that being OBE'd and CBE'd were good things LOL.

    Thanks Ishidara so much.

    Happy New Year to all!
    Georgia Seitz

  5. OBE Order of the British Empire and CBE Commander of the British Empire. Awarded by our government and presented by Queen Elizabeth. Can't get much better than that, Georgia!!!!

  6. Georgia absolutely deserves this honor! I didn't see your blog in June but I would've nominated her myself as well as voted! I've had the pleasure of meeting and tatting with Georgia. I think she is a walking tatting encyclopedia. There isn't anything about tatting that she doesn't know or know where to go to find out. I never dreamed when I first heard of the Alaskan tatter that she would end up living only a few hours away. You'd think I'd see more of her....but I'm busy tatting. (smile)

  7. Thank you Heather, Jane, Fox, Gina, and Georgia too, for your kind comments. All praises go to Georgia. She is the star.

    Does anyone wish to create a blog banner that Georgia could add to her site (if she wishes) announcing her as the 2010 National Treasure Award recipient? I would love to see what you all come up PhotoShop skills are rudimentary at best.

  8. Can't think of a more deserving recipient! Georgia is a treasure for sure with or without this award and the award only reflects what she already is!

  9. Congratulations to Georgia! A well deserved award. Very nicely writen IsDihara!! This was very awesome in so many ways!

  10. Hooray! What a fitting award for dear Georgia! She has done so much for this thing we call tatting.

    I also firmly applaud her for supporting and furthering the art of needle tatting as well. The more tatters the better.

    Congrats Georgia!

  11. IsDihara that was a truly inspired piece of writing. I second everything you said. Georgia is indeed an INTERnational Treasure.

  12. Thanks for that, Tatskool! I think it's important for USA tatters to remember that this is an INTERnational tatting community! I am from the good ol' USA, but I am painfully aware of the perception many people in general that are not from the USA have that "all" Americans are pretty narcissistic when it comes to their country...forgetting that there are other countries and nations out there...sadly, many Americans have proven that to be true. I think in the international tatting community we have a lot of Americans that understand that and reach out to all nationalities, countries, and ethnicities with open arms, but perhaps "International Treasure" is a more fitting title, indeed! Just a thought.

  13. Congratulations Georgia you deserve this wonderful award...I am so hapy for have been an inspiration to me for ages....I look at the lovely shuttles that I bought from you so often as they are so lovely
    Joy in OZ

  14. Excellent news! I was thrilled to read all about Georgia. Having "spoken" to her in the on-line tatting class, I soon became aware that this tatter was someone very special.
    Well done, Georgia!

  15. Congratulations, Georgia,
    I've had no idea there is such an award, but if asked who is and has been for decades the most enthusiastic, active, forwarding tatter, I'd certainly named Georgia, as the first INTERnational choice.

    And I am happy for all of us, that tatting, besides being NOT a lost art, has become an awardable catigory...

    Happy Tatting Everyone!

  16. Congratulations to you Georgia and thank you for the wonderful things you have brought to tatting

  17. What a nice way to honor some one so "Special"! Congratulations Georgia. Isdihara did an excellent write up. Georgia is always there to help. When I was learning, I wanted to tat this pattern but it was visual. I wrote to Georgia and bless her heart, she wrote it all out. This lady really wants to keep tatting alive!!! She encourages you to go the extra mile and I have taught 3 great tatters.
    Linda M

  18. I appreciate and congratulate Georgia for her unwavering spirit and work on behalf of tatting.
    Mostly, I appreciate her kindness towards other, her even temper and diplomacy amongst a group who has definite opinions on their art. Just think, if Georgia had not been such a pioneer, tatting might indeed be a lost art. With her books, appearances, encouragements, and on line classes....well, I see an undesirable negative space!
    Kudos Georgia, no one deserves it more than the lady with the loving, giving heart.
    With affection and admiration,
    Beverly June in New Mexico

  19. Yo solo puedo darle las gracias, por que gracias a su generosidad, yo conseguí aprender tatting, despues de muchos años buscando quien me enseñara.....

    I can only thank him for that thanks to your generosity, I got to learn Tatting, after many years looking for someone to teach me .....

  20. Yes... She's the right person for this award. I admire her always enthusiastic tatting-heart. I add to International Treasure, because she is allways there, for all of us, even if we live far away.... as me...Chile

  21. Congrats Georgia! I am so glad I came across your online class, I have learned alot in a short time.
    Thank You.

  22. Congratulations Georgia! You deserve it! And thanks!

  23. Those of us who know Georgia (or even have just met her) know beyond a doubt that she is truly an National Treasure. Isdihara did an awesome job of showing us just what a true National Treasure we have walking amongst us. No blushing allowed, Georgia you have earned the title of National Treasure. Thank you for sharing your joy of tatting with all of us mere tatters. Peace, Cynthia

  24. Georgia, Let me add my congratulations. I've only found you recently, but have already learned how enthusiastic and ready to help you are. I'm not sure I would have pursued the needle tatting without yours (and Cynthia's) help and encouragement. The online classes are such fun. Didn't know you were on Facebook. If you (or any other tatters I haven't connected with yet) see this, look me up. Search under "Anita Adamson". I'm the photo with the black square dance top, hubby in white shirt. I think we should get more tatters connected through Facebook.
    Again, Congratulations on a well-deserved honor (and what a nice write-up!) Yuma Tatter aka Anita

  25. Wow...Congratulations Georgia! What fun to learn more about you. I am very new to needle tatting and have only been to the on line class once (but plan to go there more in 2010). What a confidence builder to find what good company I am in. Bernice Odom in Yuma
