
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tatting Tea Tuesday in Review

Take one last look back at Tatting Tea Tuesday before we kiss 2009 and the aughts goodbye.

This photo has come to symbolize Tatting Tea Tuesday for me.  My favorite teapot. Yards of pretty edging and a lovely doily.

But what if THIS had been my favorite teapot?
I know it's supposed to be all Jules Verne goes gasket-y, but I still get a slight "I dream of Jeannie" vibe off it.

Tatting Tea Tuesday kicked off on June 2, with the posting of Chantilly Border edging from the May/June issue of Piecework magazine. I keep losing count as I scroll through the posts, but my best guess-timate is 20 published out of 31 possible posts. And you joined me for most of them, so hat's off  & big applause to you!

Along the way, you have shared my growing pains, successes, small peeks into life raising the smartest, most adorable, rough-and-tumble toddler a mother could ever hope to have, and born witness to my burgeoning addiction to hand-dyed thread.

Many personal milestones were achieved through TTT. My first successful snowflake, the completion of the partridge ornament project and my first blog giveaway

But most of all, Tatting Tea Tuesday opened a window into Tat Land where I found cherished new friends and was gifted with a lucky leprechaun named CiarrĂ¡n.

Thank you so much for contributing to Tatting Tea Tuesday in 2009. Your participation molded it into the fun communi-tea it has grown to be.

I have enjoyed every minute of the journey these past five months. Even more so because your contributions made it richer and more vibrant than I ever expected.

 Should Tatting Tea Tuesday continue in 2010?
Cast your vote in the blog poll at the top of this post.

NEXT:  A Ribbonwinner Comes to Tea


  1. TTT should live on forever!!!! It reminds me to take a little time for myself.

    Long live Tatting Tea Tuesday!

  2. I agree with Krystle 100% it reminds me to take some "me" time, if only for a little bit


  3. Thank you, Krystle! You voted before I had the poll finished. That's enthusiasm!

    I love preparing TTT posts and it does my heart good to know that someone else enjoys them too.

    I know I enjoy reading everyone else's TTT posts!

  4. And thank you Heather! I hadn't finished typing (and I'm a pretty fast typist, btw) my response to Krystle's comment before yours popped up on my screen. Fabulous!

  5. TTT and you have enriched all our lives more that you will ever know. Please continue to do so, we need all the stimulation we can get!!

  6. Seems you have even got CiarrĂ¡n drinking tea too...from what I hear!!

  7. I look forward to every Tatting Tea Tuesday. I've seen gorgeous tea pots & cups, lovely works-in-progress & finished tatting, good times & sad. My tatting life would just be a bit boring without it!

    Please continue TTT!

  8. Even tho I pretty much stick to iced tea year round, I still love pretty teapots and tea paraphanelia and the occasional cuppa HOT tea. Love adding it to the tatting mix. Thanks for starting it!

  9. Tatting Tea Tuesday should continue. I only posted for it a couple times, but hope to do a better job of posting in 2010.

    As for your favorite teapot, I think the flowered one is very pretty, the other one is way out there, but cool in its own way. I bought a teapot in December at an Antique store, that I will post a picture of soon.

    Happy New Year and all the best to you in 2010.

  10. I haven't participated in TTT yet but I have looked at your posts for the last few months and enjoyed the comments. I hope TTT continues in 2010. Happy New Year and the best to your and yours in 2010!

  11. Happy New Year IsDihara!! Wishing you all the best in 2010!! (Hugs)
