
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pamper Yourself GIVEAWAY

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. That Hallmark holiday so many love to hate.

Not me. I scoff at Anti-Valentine's. I commend cupid. I'm in love with the heart holiday. And that means it's GIVEAWAY time!

So let the great Love/Hate debate rage on.

Love the skin you're in and enter for a chance to win this pampering set from New Hands Soaps and Lotions.

NHSL is my twin sister's Etsy shop. Not long ago Igoya and I were talking when she asked what could she do to get more exposure for her shop?

Being ever mindful of giveaway opportunities, I said she should prepare a custom set for me to use as a prize!

The gift pack she put together is simply superb for Valentine's Day. Who doesn't love to feel pampered?

Posh Petals Gift Set

This prize is simply superb. A "rip open the package and fall in love" kind of superb!

Take a moment to reflect on the thrill you feel when a HDT order arrives. Yes, it is on par with that!

The prize package comes with a 7.5 ounce bar of Posh Petals soap, a 4 ounce Champagne and Strawberries linen spray and a tin of Dark Chocolate lip balm.

For the fragrance minded, Posh Petals is delicately fresh, feminine and red-carpet glamorous. It blends essences of rose water, tangerine, lemon, pomegranate and aloe into a classy and elegant bouquet.

I love this gift set so much TWO lucky winners will be chosen!


1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Cut-off date for entries is Monday, February 8th.

3. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, February 9th.

Want another chance to win?
If you post about this giveaway on your blog you qualify for a second entry.

Be sure to add a (2) to your comment, just like in LadyShuttleMaker's Mondo Monday Giveaways. Kindly include a clickable link or the name of your blog so I may verify your entry. Once verified, you will be added to my giveaway spreadsheet a second time.

Winner will be chosen via random number generator.

If chocolate, lingerie and a romantic movie make up the typical Valentine trifecta, this gift pack is a sweet indulgence light years beyond the Whitmans Sampler.

Even if you are feeling cynical about love this year, there's no better revenge than being good to yourself. Good Luck!


  1. Are you an ad writer on the side? LOL!

  2. We all like to "pamper" ourselves every now and again. Please add my name to the list.

  3. It sounds deliciously yummy! Please enter my name in the drawing =)

  4. Can a wrinkly in the UK be entered? No matter if the postage would be too much I just had to say I love the promo!!!!! Will your next job be for an advertising agency?!?!?!?!

  5. You compared this to the thrill of opening an HDT packing, well count me in then girlfriend, that's one of my favorite things. Oh yeah and dark chocolate lip balm, yoohoo!

  6. Gina, in one of my previous work lives I wrote advertising copy for a computer software reseller. It was the only job I ever hated. (Blech. Phooey.)

    Jane, of course you can enter! I will ship anywhere cupid's arrow flies. ツ

  7. Valentine's Day is my very favorite holiday. Wish it was everyones. Your giveaway sounds yummy.
    deanna in Texas

  8. Count me in I love to be pampered.

  9. What a wonderful idea! Count me in too :))))

  10. Oh how wonderful! Please, count me in! What a fantastic thing to be a part of, Thank you!

  11. Sounds wonderful. Thanks to you and your sister for the opportunity. BTW I'm an identical twin. Jill (texastatter) in emory tx

  12. Haha count me in!!! Just kiding I alread have all that stuff.. and if I wan t more I'll jsut ask mom. =P that's right.. I'm following your blog!!! =D

  13. I would love to be pampered so please count me in!

  14. Wonderful. Count me in.
    Mobile, Al.
    LeVert92 at

  15. Oh, I'd love a chance to win! I ♥ the ♥ day and I ♥ pampering myself! These lovely things are right up my alley! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win some of your twin's lovely goodies!

    ~TattingChic ♥

  16. These products look awsome! I could use these after a day of hard work!

  17. What a wonderful write up of your sisters products.....does she keep you smelling divine ALL the time.
    You must be very proud of each other. I, without a sister, am jealous!
    Are you identical twins???

  18. Wonderful idea - this time of year, in the frozen north, our poor hands catch on the tatting and need all the rescuing they can get!

  19. What a lovely gift and nicely packaged! Love the articles on tatting you post!
    Linda M

  20. ohhhh 2 loves... love tatting and love give-a-ways.. thanks for the opportunity.. .. t c

  21. I need the pampering LOL!! between two jobs and school I am tuckered out LOL!! great gift, thank you!

  22. awesome giveaway. Please count me in. I've wanted to try something different for awhile and this would be so awesome to try. Peace, Cynthia

  23. count me in. mathbook28 at gmail dot com

  24. Please count me in on the drawing and on the compliments of your advertising. I've had chocolate covered cherry lip balm but never dark chocolate! I am a dark chocolate lover since childhood; and that was waaaay before it was discovered to be full of antioxidants!

  25. I'm with you ~ Spread the love ~ I have always liked Valentine's Day and Easter as my favorite holidays. Could it be the chocolate involved? (LOL)
    I'd be delighted to pamper 'my wrinkly' old skin (Our Jane doesn't have the corner on that market! :>) ); and, being pampered is a timeless pleasure.
    Please dump me in the number generator.
    I'll list the give-away.
    Feb 8 is my Granddaughter's birthday!

    Happy Tatting

    BJ (2)

  26. Oh! yes please I would love to be pampered as well!!!!! Please enter me.

  27. Thanks so much for your giving personhood. Count me in. Edna

  28. This give away sounds delicious!
    Perfect pampering for a successful Valentine

  29. Posh Petals - I love the way that sounds. It's so luxurious. Please count me in. I'm adding your givaway to the Tatteristic! blog right now. Thanks!

  30. I would love a chance to win. Count me in!

  31. Your sister looks so talented. Must run in the family. thanks :O)
