
Saturday, January 30, 2010

T.I.A.S. 2010 complete

Jane Eborall's marvelous T.I.A.S. is over and everyone else has turned in photos of their completed projects. I just finished up mine Thursday evening.

Boo -- A Chicken for the People

Norman the Rooster
a.k.a. "Chicken Boo"

"He's a chicken! A chicken I tell you!"  ツ

Okay, before you all start thinking I don't know the difference between a hen and a rooster, that line comes from The Animaniacs, a wacky and clever cartoon show that I enjoyed back in the 1990's.

Norman's (a.k.a. Boo's) tail, leg, breast and frilly neck plumage were tatted with Lizbeth size 40 in color # 107 Tropical Fruit. Clark's Big Ball size 30 crochet thread makes up his body. (I didn't have a coordinating thread...*gasp*) And last but not least was my favorite thread to work with on this project, Lizbeth size 40 in color 688 Seagreen Dark.

I read on another tatter's blog who either raises chickens or has a close friend who raises chickens (Foggy memory is an occupational hazard when blog surfing during the wee hours.) that their breed lays green eggs. Chicken Boo's family undoubtedly falls into this lot of egg layers!

Looking forward to trying the obvious Seussian fare, once Boo's wife Aileen gets down to business. (Had to phrase it delicately so as not to upset the poor dear.)

This has been great fun and I can't wait to do another T.I.A.S. Thanks, Jane!


  1. Don't you love it? That was so much fun. Glad you posted the size thread you used because I didn't realize that I could have mixed sizes of thread. I started with size 30 and had very few colors in that size.
    deanna in Texas

  2. Well, if you look closely, you will notice that my rooster's head looks a bit small and his body is a bit "barrel chested" because of the larger thread size. But I say he's a burly banty! LOL

    I had a slight cupping issue because the body thread was larger. It makes him look more 3D -- hee hee!

    If you mix thread sizes, I would recommend not straying too far afield or else it might make the critter look deformed.

  3. Boo looks great! I still haven't finished mine - tonight hopefully!

    :) Ann

  4. Boo looks fabulous! I will complete this T.I.A.S., I'm just not sure when!

  5. Boo is definitedly a manly rooster. I like how yours turned out with the different thread sizes. I too love the TIASes. Jane is wonderful.

  6. He is wonderful, have to finish mine, keep getting distracted!

  7. Wow, Boo is so neat. Did you 'block' him? He is so well proportioned.

  8. I love "Chicken Boo". That is the perfect name for him, lol!

  9. (gggg) I love the way you are all naming your roosters! Yours is perfect!

  10. Your "Chicken Boo" looks smart. Well done! I still have to complete my TIAS.
