
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Round 3 of Fair Doily

Round 3 of Square Fair Doily, unblocked

Round three (3) is complete and thankfully it went smoothly, though it is beginning to ruffle. Sharon Briggs' blocking method worked like a charm on the ruffle.

Round 3 of Square Fair Doily, blocked

Round four (4) is made up of split rings, which I really enjoy. I am looking forward to working them in two colors.

Kickin' It Up a Notch
It is time to really shift things into high gear. I want to tat an Easter egg this week, plus tat the first of several entwined hearts for a wedding project on which I have volunteered to assist.

AND a lucky winner must be choosen for the International Tatting Day - Pamper Yourself Giveaway on April 1st! Who will it be?

It could be you! But only if you enter.

Milward Shuttle - My eBay auction win!

Milward Shuttle
Last week I won an eBay auction and scored a Milward tatting shuttle from a seller in the UK. It didn't come with a hook, but I am still over the moon with excitement to be its proud new owner.

Milward stopped producing these shuttles in the 1980s so they are increasingly hard to find.

In October 2009 Fox wrote of her eBay auction win of a Milward shuttle and an English Aero. It's true, my longing quadrupled after reading her post. My English Aero quest continues with a broad, "I got a Milward" grin!

ISO Manuela Thread
The English Aero is not the only thing I am in search of. Recently I took a thread inventory and realized that some color planning and organizing was in order. One thread I was not able to buy was size 20 Manuela  "Vanilla" color #055.

The incredible family of tatters on the Here_Be_Tatters list have graciously helped me in my search.

  • Jeff (Bridge City Tatting) helped me find the correct color number for Manuela Vanilla. 
  • Elesa Hurley looked through her thread stash and offered me her ball of Manuela "Natural" color #002. 

Thanks to you both, and anyone else who checked their stash for Manuela "Vanilla." The quest continues, so if you stumble upon a source, please let me know!

Last but not least, here is how I have organized my "ball" cottons. A 50% off Michaels A&C coupon came in handy to purchase this three-drawer cabinet. Now I have a separate drawer for size 20, 40 and size 50 - 80 threads. A narrow basket in each drawer will hold hand-dyed threads (HDT).

Thread Storage

Off to tat hearts and eggs and split rings.

Hope to see you for Tatting Tea Tuesday!


  1. Your doily is looking very nice! I find that stopping to steam my larger pieces every so often helps tremendously. I look forward to seeing the completed doily!

    Congratulations on winning your Milward shuttle. It's beautiful, and I am totally envious! Wouldn't you know, I have an English Aero shuttle, but not a Milward. Maybe some day...

  2. AWESOME SHUTTLE. Its beautiful now I am on a quest for one... i havent been able to find any of the thread mentioned...
    I am so glad you had called me the other night I was in a mood and you brought me out of it :) I still think its funny you thought I was my daughter at first LOL Do I really sound that girly on the phone hee hee

  3. A Hearty Congratulations To You!

    A win of a Milward is indeed a wondrous coup ~ (could be set to the music of "A Bridge Over Troubled Water") LOL! Troubled still, as still seeking English Aero.

    Hope you enjoy your new tatting addition.

    That is a wonderful cabinet! It is impossible to see how big it is - perspective - on the screen. It actually does not look like it would hold all my thread!

    "Honestly, I don't have THAT much, she uttered with a guilty catch in her voice......"

    Fox : )

  4. Your Square Fair Doily is very pretty. Congratulations on the Milward shuttle.

  5. Do you realise that those Milward shuttles (made about twenty miles away from me) were the ONLY shuttles I could buy when I was a kid?!?!? Frightening how things change! The only reason I 'converted' to the Aero (with hook) was because I lost SO many of the Milward hooks down the side of sofas!!!!
    Congratulations on your win.

  6. The doiley will be BEAUTIFUL.

    You will wonder how you managed without your cabinet. I have 4 three drawer cabinets (small!!) and still stuff left over.
    What a busy girl you are....go tat!

  7. Forgot to mention your funny it seems to me that people crave something which was the only shuttle that I could get...when I finally was able to increase my shuttles from 1 to 2!!! (well apart from Aero's!!)
    How spoilt I am now...and it's still a lovely shuttle.

  8. Your doily is looking awesome.
    I also enjoy tatting split rings, when I see them in a pattern I know it's going to be fun.

    WOW a Milward shuttle!, your one lucky lady! I'm a webit jealous.

  9. Your doily looks lovely! I do the same thing that Diane does and I press my pieces in progress as I go along.
    Congrats on your Milward shuttle! I've scored a couple of those goodies along the way as well!

    Give aways are always fun so come along and join my blogoversary as well!

    ~TattingChic ♥

  10. The photos were not showing up the last time I came to visit! Anyway you are fully and accounted for in the blogoversary party fun! I must go to Michael's and get me that 3 drawer cabinet! SIGH!

    Yes, it does seem like just yesterday that we were blowing out the candle (singular) for the party for the party! doesn't it?

    Well get ready for next year's party! Something amazing will happen then, to be sure!

    Good luck in the drawing to you!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  11. the doily is looking good. i really like the HDT. soothing. have fun!
