
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Are You Ready for International Tatting Day?

It is almost here! International Tatting Day falls on Thursday, April 1, 2010.

If this is your first time celebrating ITD, here are a few suggestions to get you started, courtesy of Marty McCarthy:

International Tatting Day
1. Eat all the chocolate you desire.
2. Wear a little tatting and tell everyone you meet about tatting
3. Tat only for yourself, only what YOU want to tat
4. Remember (or Honor) the tatters who have gone before you and contributed so much to our art.

And by all means, you can send cards.

In Honor of Myrtle Hamilton
In 2003, I received this exquisite tatted heart in a tatting exchange. Myrtle Hamilton had designed the heart. Terry McGuffin tatted and sent the heart to me, complete with a hand-drawn diagram and written instructions.

Terry's heart is an updated version of Myrtle Hamilton's heart from 1976. Myrtle's original heart was tatted using many cuts and ties. Terry's updated heart is done in one pass using lots of split rings and one small split chain (three stitches).

Terry describes the thread she used as a size 40 6-ply cotton with a nice, hard twist, made by a Japanese company and sold (in 2003) by Dr. Maggie. The thread came in a 10 gram ball.

It just so happens that I recently purchased a 10-gram ball of Japanese Olympus size 40. It certainly meets all of Terry's criteria, but I am only guessing that Olympus was the brand.

In honor of Myrtle Hamilton, who died in 2003 at the age of 107 (based on a conversation yesterday on the Here_be_Tatters forum.) I will tat her heart and remember her fondly.

If you would like to know more about the wonderful woman who contributed so much to our beloved art form, please read the Georgia Seitz tribute page celebrating the tatting and life of Myrtle Hamilton.

Then gather up your gear and chocolate and prepare to share your tatting with the unsuspecting public. Hee, hee! Maybe I'll see you!


  1. To answer the question, YES! I'm ready for ITD. Got my chocolate and my tatting ready.

    As for Myrtle, I've been a fan of her patterns for a long time. Every yard sale, garage sale, flea market I come across gets a thorough search for any old Stitch 'n Sew magazines from the '60s and 70s. Myrtle published many a tatting pattern in those old books. I can usually find them for about a buck a piece. Me thinks ITD may be a good time to start one of Myrtle's doilies. Thanks for the inspiration, Isdihara.

  2. That's a beautiful heart, and it's in my favorite color! Thanks for sharing Myrtle's story. Wonderful stories can never be told too often!

  3. Thank you for telling us about Mary.
    Yes, I'll be more than ready for ITD!
    Since we are going to civilization before that auspicious day, I can go to See's and buy chocolate.
    I can use some new thread and tat something just for me….
    and I can send Post cards from Tucson to my tatting friends.
    I have a really cute shuttle from Here Be Tatters that I bought way back when.
    You have a great tatting day!

    Also, I really like your new layout and design, much easier to read…and uplifting!

    I owe you a pattern, I haven't forgotten. Just overwhelmed the last few days.

  4. Lovely heart, great story. I have never hears of her before...but I have now thanks to you.
    I have my chocolate and my shuttles loaded!
    I might just see you!!

  5. I'm ready for ITD! I've got a couple of appointments that day with some time to kill in between them. This means lots of time in waiting rooms and coffee shops- plenty of opportunity to tat for all to see. Now I just have to decide which tatted earrings to wear.

    Be careful to keep the chocolate off the tatting!

  6. Something new... I had not heard of her. Thanks for this post - full of goodies. Love the heart; it is a lovely piece of tatting.
    Fox : )

  7. Such a beautiful tribute. Thx for sharing

  8. That's a very pretty heart! Thanks for the info about Myrtle. I love reading blogs because you can learn so much!

  9. Happy Tatting Day, IsDihara. Cheers (on the chocolates and tatting)!
