
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday
March 30, 2010 Recap


Yesterday Sw4nkyL4c3r dropped by for Tatting Tea Tuesday (I love it when she does this!) and we nattered on from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. It was an early start, so we (The Sprout, Sw4nkyL4c3r and I) settled in with cinnamon rolls and tea for breakfast.

As always, there was so much to show and so much to share, that in two shakes of a puppy-dog's tail it was lunch time. We lunched, I put The Sprout down for a nap and we got down to the serious business of tatting. She wanted to teach me needle tatting and here is what I have to show for my afternoon lesson.

My First Attempt at Needle Tatting

I showed off my County Fair project (so far) and we pored over tatting books and discussed the differences between needle and shuttle tatting, threads, the up-coming season of tatting classes and events at the Historic Ben Lomond House and loads of other topics.

I even let her get a word in edgewise! LOL!

Next time we meet I will teach her to use a shuttle. And she will show me more of the rose-themed tatting she is doing for the Ben Lomond House's May Rose Garden event. Yipee!

It is so invigorating to commiserate with another tatter. Haven't we all felt isolated at one time or another?

I encourage you to gather with another tatter any time you can -- whether it is during a car cruise, at a tea shop, in your local library, on the front (side or back) porch, at midnight, mid-day or any time.

Come join me for Tatting Tea Tuesday if ever you find yourself in the metropolitan DC area. I'll ply you with tea and treats.(But be prepared for me to ask to take your photo for the blog.)


  1. Ahaa! so that was your needle tatting lesson! Well done,and yes it is wonderful to share tatting with a real person sitting next to you....but virtual is the next best thing.

  2. What a great impetus your words have, to ALMOST have me in the car driving to your fair city! All to have my picture taken!

    Unfortunately, I can almost see the highway whiz by under my feet as I drive; rust is devouring my car at an unbelievably speedy rate!

    Happy International Tatting Day, IsDihara!
    ♥ Fox : )

  3. Tatskool, indeed! Virtual is the next best thing. What would we do without the Internet to unite us?

    Fox, rust is a terrible thing to waste, hee hee! I will have to come visit you, and bring Ciarrán along.

    Happy Interntaional Tatting Day to you both!
