
Thursday, August 12, 2010

County Fair Tatting

Quick update on the County Fair tatting — today I turned in my entry. Woo hoo!

Several of the registration volunteers were enthusiastic about seeing what I brought, but every single one said "what is it, ceramic painting?"

Ceramic painting?!?

OK. (Forgive me for not snapping a photo before I turned it in.) Since I had two glass mats, I decided to display them in a mirrored case so they would be considered together and not handled overly much, except by the judges.

I decorated the football-sized display case with a porcelain teacup and saucer that complimented the colors in the lace. Glass mats need glasses (or tea cups), right?

Well, everyone focused on the tea cup and ignored the lace. Oh no!

Plus, the ladies at the registration desk said, "Only one entry per category. The judges may disqualify this entry."

I explained that it was a set, and was displayed as such on purpose. I politely asked if I could fill out the description ticket to read "tea time coaster set."

The registration ladies declined to allow me to fill out the description card.

Elation turned to depression and I went home feeling dejected. My first entry may be rejected for not following the rules.

I will keep you all updated and be sure to include a photo of the display case once I bring it back home (Or maybe even from the Home Arts hall...)


  1. I don't believe this! What a disheartening story! Poor you. Love to see that photo.
    Fox : (

  2. That seems so mean-spirited to me. I look forward to seeing pictures!

  3. Oh no! I hope your entry is not rejected, and is included in the competition the way it was intended.
    I bet your entry is just a threat to the competition!

  4. I hope they decide to accept your entry. They get so nitpicky at most fairs!

  5. I hope the judges have better discernment than the registration ladies! Hoping to hear good things about the fair. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you (my husband thinks it makes me look silly, not to mention I walk funny that way, but I don't mind doing it for a good cause.)

  6. We're not allowed to write anything either and I find that frustrating as they are just guessing sometimes as they figure out what something is. I would also like to note techniques used, especially after the time I submitted something tatted with 4 shuttles, split rings, and beads. The comment on the back by the judge said "pretty use of beads". Hahahaha!

  7. Paugh! These people who make up all the rules for County Fairs are used to dealing with quilting, sewing and maybe knitting and crochet. They don't have a clue about tatting. They better accept your entry! Their loss creates a loss in everyone else's viewing pleasure at the fair. How shortsighted.

  8. So sorry for the grief that these people have put you through, it is just mean spirited!!!! Hope that they change there minds.

  9. How SAD!!!!!
    I just finished judging at our SW Washington Fair in the living arts department and there were two small [I mean small!] cross bookmarks. The thread must have been sz 100.
    Also, this fair ignores the rule of one item per catagory.
    Next year, submit your tatted entries here!!!
