
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Breaking News! A Tatting Revival

Just had to share this link to a recent tatting article in the news. It features a tatter who lives close to me -- Sw4nkyL4c3r.

Tatting is Making a Revival

Remember when she came over for Tatting Tea Tuesday? For details Set the WABAC Machine.

Isn't it wonderful to read that a tatting revival is underway? First it was dying and then a lost art. But Sw4nkyL4cer is trying to bring it back.

She really does a wonderful job teaching needle tatting at the Ben Lomond Historic Site and Old Rose Garden. Her classes are always full and her students come back session after session.

I had to chuckle after reading her follow-up email today. She said the reporter made up some "mystery quotes."

Factoring in the errors I found on the page, (the bad caption underneath the photo) I shudder to imagine what creative license he may have taken.

But, you know what they say. There is no such thing as bad press.

NEXT: Holy Schemoley! Shuttle Search Solved


  1. Testing, testing...

    Why are comment links missing?

    Hoping you all can still make comments.

  2. That caption really was mis-placed, wasn't it? It's great that she's introducing a lot of people to tatting - way to go SW4NKYL4CER! Too bad the article has a few made-up statements. But at least people see it's out there.
