
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Zoo Flakes - ABC

The Sprout's summer reading challenge has been an unexpected source for tatting inspiration.
Zoo Flakes by Will C. Howell
(image source: Google images via

Of course, I can't show you pages from the book due to copyright law, but check your local library for a copy.

This lovely little children's book has captured my imagination. I have been poring over it, marveling at the cut-out paper snowflakes built upon animal shapes.

It has also provided a novel diversion while I wait for Martha Ess' new critter book to be released.

Which begs the question: might it be possible to work Martha's winsome critters (or Christel Weidemann's farm animals or Jane Eborall's animals or Inga Madsen's or Heather Johnston's animals) into snowflakes or small doilies? A polar bear...a penguin...a winter fox...a gecko...a dragon...a swan...a baby whale?

How about using a Zoo flake as a template for a new doily design?

Kersti Anear has green-lighted this idea for an InTatters forum challenge. So I put the question to you. Would you be interested?  If so, I'd love to know!

And of course, head on over to InTatters to take part in the challenge. (But I won't have the forum post up until this evening.)


  1. That looks like a book I'll have to get for school!

  2. Diane, it is a great book for fueling the imagination. Plus, I read on that the author adds a two-page spread at the back with instructions for those who want to fold and cut their own zoo flakes.

  3. You do like to keep us on our toes. Looks like a great book..especially if you can cut your own.
