
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pamper Yourself GIVEAWAY

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. That Hallmark holiday so many love to hate.

Not me. I scoff at Anti-Valentine's. I commend cupid. I'm in love with the heart holiday. And that means it's GIVEAWAY time!

So let the great Love/Hate debate rage on.

Love the skin you're in and enter for a chance to win this pampering set from New Hands Soaps and Lotions.

NHSL is my twin sister's Etsy shop. Not long ago Igoya and I were talking when she asked what could she do to get more exposure for her shop?

Being ever mindful of giveaway opportunities, I said she should prepare a custom set for me to use as a prize!

The gift pack she put together is simply superb for Valentine's Day. Who doesn't love to feel pampered?

Posh Petals Gift Set

This prize is simply superb. A "rip open the package and fall in love" kind of superb!

Take a moment to reflect on the thrill you feel when a HDT order arrives. Yes, it is on par with that!

The prize package comes with a 7.5 ounce bar of Posh Petals soap, a 4 ounce Champagne and Strawberries linen spray and a tin of Dark Chocolate lip balm.

For the fragrance minded, Posh Petals is delicately fresh, feminine and red-carpet glamorous. It blends essences of rose water, tangerine, lemon, pomegranate and aloe into a classy and elegant bouquet.

I love this gift set so much TWO lucky winners will be chosen!


1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Cut-off date for entries is Monday, February 8th.

3. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, February 9th.

Want another chance to win?
If you post about this giveaway on your blog you qualify for a second entry.

Be sure to add a (2) to your comment, just like in LadyShuttleMaker's Mondo Monday Giveaways. Kindly include a clickable link or the name of your blog so I may verify your entry. Once verified, you will be added to my giveaway spreadsheet a second time.

Winner will be chosen via random number generator.

If chocolate, lingerie and a romantic movie make up the typical Valentine trifecta, this gift pack is a sweet indulgence light years beyond the Whitmans Sampler.

Even if you are feeling cynical about love this year, there's no better revenge than being good to yourself. Good Luck!

T.I.A.S. 2010 complete

Jane Eborall's marvelous T.I.A.S. is over and everyone else has turned in photos of their completed projects. I just finished up mine Thursday evening.

Boo -- A Chicken for the People

Norman the Rooster
a.k.a. "Chicken Boo"

"He's a chicken! A chicken I tell you!"  ツ

Okay, before you all start thinking I don't know the difference between a hen and a rooster, that line comes from The Animaniacs, a wacky and clever cartoon show that I enjoyed back in the 1990's.

Norman's (a.k.a. Boo's) tail, leg, breast and frilly neck plumage were tatted with Lizbeth size 40 in color # 107 Tropical Fruit. Clark's Big Ball size 30 crochet thread makes up his body. (I didn't have a coordinating thread...*gasp*) And last but not least was my favorite thread to work with on this project, Lizbeth size 40 in color 688 Seagreen Dark.

I read on another tatter's blog who either raises chickens or has a close friend who raises chickens (Foggy memory is an occupational hazard when blog surfing during the wee hours.) that their breed lays green eggs. Chicken Boo's family undoubtedly falls into this lot of egg layers!

Looking forward to trying the obvious Seussian fare, once Boo's wife Aileen gets down to business. (Had to phrase it delicately so as not to upset the poor dear.)

This has been great fun and I can't wait to do another T.I.A.S. Thanks, Jane!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wheeee!! A Spree!

As promised, the big reveal from my recent spending spree. Being an unrepentant thread junky certainly has its perks.

And (don't tell Big Daddy) but I'm not done yet. A few more size 40 balls of Lizbeth will be added in either March or April. I have these lovely variegated colors and a desire need for coordinating colors.

You all understand.

See that shuttle on the right? That was a blog giveaway prize from Lace-lovin' Librarian Diane! It arrived in that darling golden carry case. I'm simply dying to tat with it, but have to complete my holiday catch-up projects before I will allow myself to play. Soon...soon...

UPDATE: Wondering about thread colors in the first photo? Here is a breakdown:

Spools (from left to right):
DMC size 40 Ecru
Lizbeth size 40 #121 Marble
Lizbeth size 20 #692 Mocha Brown Dk
Lizbeth size 40 #142 Turquoise Twist
Lizbeth size 20 #652 Royal Blue
Lizbeth size 20 #633 Purple Dk

HDT skeins (from left to right):
Dr. Von Threadmore:
   Watermelon size 20
   Leaf Green size 40 (or 50?)
   Teal size 40 (or 50?)

   Nectarine size 40
   Nectarine size 20

   Vanilla Sky size 20
   Vanilla Sky size 20
   Vanilla Sky size 40
   Vanilla Sky size 40

   Rainbow Bright size 20
   RB Solids -- Yellow size 40
   RB Solids -- Orange size 40
   RB Solids -- Red size 40
   RB Solids -- Blue size 40

   ChocoLime size 40
   ChocoLime size 20
   ChocoLime size 20
   Antique Bronze size 20
   Rusty Red (name may change) size 40

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shamrock Success & Edging Pattern

Call me a glutton for punishment or just plain stubborn (both would be accurate).

Instead of starting over with Star tatting cotton I gave the Majestic another go.

This time I focused on tatting loosely. It was a challenge as I have always been a tight tatter. But Gina's advice paid off when the fourth dimpled ring closed slowly, but smoothly the first time. Thanks, Gina!

Carol Lawecki asked me for the edging pattern. D'oh! It is available on the InTatters group under the Knots - Tatting Links tab. The file is called Beeton Edge. If the link doesn't take you directly to the page you may need to register to access the Knots folder.

Grab a tasty beverage and go browse through the collection of interesting motifs. ツ

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It Came! A Shamrock Setback & More

Fabric Postcard from Bonnie's Tatting Blog

Today Bonnie's blog giveaway prize came in the mail, making it a very good day. It is a fabric postcard that sets the mood for Spring. I am ready for a few flowers in the garden and a few buzzing bees. Are you?

Thank you, Bonnie! Your uplifting card sits next to Carol Lawecki's tatted teapot note card on my computer desk, where it brightens my day and long into the wee hours.

There is so much to write about today!

The Sprout slept in glamorously late (8:30 AM) so Tatting Tea Tuesday started early with decaf Irish Breakfast tea. I started tatting what I thought would be the easy one. The three or four-leaf clover pattern from "The Tatted Artistry of Teiko Fujito."

I had some Majestic 80 left over on a shuttle so I thought I would use it up doing a bit of warm-up test tatting.

[cue mumbled curses, teeth-gnashing and the sound of thread repeatedly snapping under tension]

Two full hours of frustrated attempts led to what you see below. (Had to keep putting it down and walking away.) But I want tiny, delicate shamrocks.

Tomorrow I will try again with Star tatting cotton in size 70. It has a more firm hand and hopefully won't snap so easily as the softer, but more lustrous Majestic.

Besides T.I.A.S. I have been working on an edging tatted in Tatskool's Bracken Crunch size 40. I love the way the lime transforms into antique gold and the gold into rusty red, back to gold and full circle to lime. It really has enlivened and enriched the dull, grey days.

I have Been Bad
Copping a phrase from Fox, I have a confession to make. I have been in touch with Tatskool, Krystledawne, Yarnplayer, Lady Shuttlemaker and LaceySusan. In an attempt to hide the evidence soften the blow I won't be posting the HDT purchases until later in the week.

All Good Things Come in Threes
Just look at my three new tatting books! I tried to camophlage them with other goodies, including a fancy bone china teacup, saucer and third plate, plus bobbin holders and new Lizbeth thread.

Tatskool, were you distracted by the cup? Jane, did you see your tatting bag? Krystle, did you notice Dr. Von Threadmore's handiwork? Wanda, see how your butterfly marks my place?

Honestly, I have been blessed by the generosity and friendship of you all. And so many more.

My copy of Tatting Patterns by Lyn Morton sprouted (unintentional pun) legs and scampered off, so I needed to replace it.

The Japanese book was purely an impulse buy.

The prize of the buying spree was the French tatting book! I dropped $34.00 on this precious jewel. And I try never to spend that much on a tatting book.

My French is very rusty, but the author prefaces her work by writing:
Savez-vous que le monde minéral peut être source d'inspiration pour les dentellières?

The author uses crystaline mineral sructures as the inspiration for her lace — things like snow, sugar, salt, mineral metals and gemstones  Flipping through the pages was like being gifted with sapphires, rubies, celestine, amethyst, agate, petalite, tourmaline...

It gives new meaning to tatting bling, eh?

And there's more! Come back on Friday for HDT madness.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful.

See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!