
Friday, January 21, 2011

Flower Power from Postie

Lookie what postie brought yesterday in the mail.

Those lovely lasses and lads from the Palmetto Tatters Guild wrote to thank me for sending a donation to the scholarship fund in 2010. You don't see too many hand-written notes these days (more's the pity) and the one I received was especially nice!

As if the thank you letter wasn't enough, tucked inside was this magnificent tatted Autumn posy. I just love this!

If you were the tatter, please know that I can't stop smiling at receiving this very pretty piece of tatting.

Thank you for creating it from one giddy recipient!


  1. That is charming! And you sure deserve it!
    Fox : )

  2. How VERY thoughtful and a nice response and thank you; yes, I know just how you feel; isn’t it scrumptious?

    xxx bj

  3. That was so thoughtful of them. It's such a pretty Posie.

  4. Love the color choices and the design! :)
