
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Motif #20 - SCMR Snowflake & TIAS

SCMR Snowflake © 2007 Sharren Sarver Morgan
Tatted in size 20 Hakelgarn Bright White
with crystal beads

Motif #20 - SCMR Snowflake
For Tatting Tea Tuesday I completed Sharren Morgan's SCMR Snowflake, shown here in a super close-up.

Do the clear beads give it frozen ice crystal appeal?

As you can see, it hasn't been blocked. I had a few "d'oh!" moments with this snowflake which contributed to its off-kilter shape. Blocking should set it right.

Sadly, this darling pattern isn't available online. Sharren e-mailed me a PDF. If she grants reprint permission I will add a link to the PDF file.

Tatting Tea Tuesday
Two cups of Moroccan Mint tea accompanied my tatting efforts. I had been thinking back to my wedding/honeymoon cruise and the wicked laryngitis I had. The server at our dinner table was so kind and attentive. She served me hot mint tea every evening until my voice returned. Just in time to say "I do!"

No laryngitis today, but it seemed right to raise my cuppa to the tea that got me through that cold/flu season. Hee, hee, if the tea doesn't help this time, maybe another Caribbean cruise will?

2011 Tat It And See (T.I.A.S.) - Day 4
I am participating in Jane Eborall's TIAS. Day 5 was released yesterday but I haven't tatted it yet, so I have fallen a little bit behind.

If you are unfamiliar with TIAS, it is a fun, creative winter diversion. Jane releases only a small part of a pattern every day or so and won't tell what it is.

That's right! You don't know what you are making. You "Tat It And See."

Part of the fun is guessing. As of Day 4 I was still thinking some kind of lizard or a turtle. But I was holding out hope for a sea creature. Who knows? Maybe I'll get my wish and it will be Nessie from the Loch!

The Day 5 blog entries suggest that something along the lines of an airplane or jet might be more accurate. A bent pogo stick or even roadkill (perhaps a flattened rabbit?) is still likely, though not Jane's style.

It is not too late to join in the fun! You can join at any time, and catch up as you go or just to watch the fun unfold on the TIAS blog.

Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. What a pretty snowflake, and I like the bead ice crystals, too. TIAS looks like fun!

  2. Great job - love the 'icy' effect from the frosty cold beads!

  3. Oh, yes, it does give the "ice crystal" effect (love that picture of the snowflake!)Pretty cool (LOL!)

    I think that a Caribbean cruise would be a cure for almost anything *wink, wink*

    Roadkill hehehehe! No, Jane has a fun sense of humor but I don't think it's quite that far out there! But Nessie is certainly a possibility. Maybe day 6 will give us a better clue.

  4. I'm a sucker for snowflakes--and that one is quite frosty. Definitely gives it an icy effect. Love it.

  5. Pleased you had time to tat such an elegant snowflake sipping your mint tea. I made a button flower whilst drinking tea but have given it away so unable to show!

  6. Love the snowflake! And I do think that the beads give it an ice crystal look. :)
