
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waking up at 3 AM

I was awake at 3AM and thought, 'Great! While the house is quiet I'll get an early start on Day 7 of T.I.A.S.' So I pulled up Jane Eborall's T.I.A.S. blog. Alas, Day 7 hadn't yet been posted.

Those participants who tat the new release, scan it in and e-mail photo attachments -- all before Lady Jane finishes her breakfast -- How do they do it?

I am tickled to report that by 3:44 AM the Day 7 pattern was posted. That's awesome, Jane!

After printing out a copy I seem to have lost the motivation to wander downstairs (imagine that) and am opting to give sleep another go. Happy tatting to all early birds. I'll be sleeping in.


  1. Heee, heee. Another in the race to complete a part of the TIAS!!! Hope you went back to sleep - much better for you than tatting!!!

  2. I checked it at 12:30 AM my time (Mountain) and it wasn’t up; no way can I stay awake longer than that hour! I could awake at 2 or 3 easily; but then, I’d not be able to go back to sleep and would be ‘done in’ before the day started. All of this to say, I’ll not be in the race!
    Reminds me of Christmas morning with children. All RUSH to open gifts with a ferocity seen only in a kitten with a feather toy! Alas, too soon it is all wrapping paper and there is a kind of ‘let down’. I think I’m an anticipator and slow relish of the work type of person. So my offering flys the ocean at leisure and is sure to land in the last grouping. All well, some of us are turtles. With tongue firmly in cheek I bid you happy tatting! xxx bj

  3. Really, Jane! Tatting is far more important that sleep, you silly old moo!

    As for those early birds, I think it's all about time zones. The ones in continental Europe will have started their day an hour or two before Jane, and the ones in Australia will be having their evening when Jane is having their morning. In North America, you have to be up in the middle of the night. Plus, I suspect those people don't have pre-schoolers in the house!

  4. Really, Miranda? Is that true? I'll give up sleep then and concentrate on tatting. Mind I eat, think, drink and revolve round it already!!!!

  5. I must confess, I was not awake purely in anticipation of the Day 7 release. Body aches disturbed my dream-filled sleep and I jumped at the idea of getting in on the grudge match.

    Sleep won out and I enjoyed a lovely lie-in while Big Daddy and The Sprout bonded over PSP and morning board games.

    Miranda, I think you are right. Having a preschooler in the house does affect my tatting time. (Hee, hee, of course priorities are for juggling.)

  6. here in Brisbane, the new part arrives at "about" 7 -7.30pm-ish.I wasn't expecting Part 7 on Sunday so I was late in noticing it - and then, of course, I had to unpick a ring so I was a bit late in posting the scan.
    I'll be ready and waiting for Part 8 though!
