
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Motif 23 - Margaret, Adapted

An adaptation of Lyn Morton's "Margaret"
into a nine-sided motif

A UFO that began as a design experiment in 2009 is finally done.

This piece was intended to be part of my first 25 motif challenge so, in a weird way, it is good that I hadn't yet completed the challenge. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.)

Here is the post that started it all. Snowed in Under a Cherry Moon

The hypothesis: Can Lyn Morton's Margaret motif (found in her book, Tatting Patterns, page 81) with its six-petal flower, be tatted as a nine-petal flower and turned into a nine-sided motif?

The proof: Yes, it can.

I did make one more change to Lyn Morton's pattern. I threw off a ring from the connecting chains in round two in order to create a bit more negative space. The rings create an inner circle that I find quite pleasing.

Lyn Morton's "Margaret" includes a third round of chains with single rings to connect the flowers. Round three adds strength and gives the motif a polished finish.

Doesn't Tatskool's luscious ChocoRaspberry HDT make this piece look sweet as a gumdrop? (It is size 40 thread, I think.)

I would love to tat this again using her Apple Blossom HDT. And again in three solid colors (white, yellow and green).

I will count this motif as number 23 in my 25 motif challenge.

Boy does it feel good to finish this motif!


  1. I agree the thread is good enough to eat! A very pretty pattern, with adaptions and well done eventually finishing it.

  2. Oh this is lovely! I love the thread colour, too! Happy Easter.

  3. Haha you had wondered if it could be a 9-sided piece, I'm wondering if you could make it 10-sided (or 11 or 12) and connect the flowers to each other around the outside. :-P Maybe there is some experimenting in my future, as well ;-)

    But this looks lovely - that color thread works with this pattern beautifully.

  4. Beeeeuuuutifuul!

    Really great tatting. I love the way your picots line up so perfectly and the thread is wonderful.
    Fox : )

  5. Me too! I want to see it in yellow, white and green!
    Fox ; ))

  6. This is very eye-appealing, and wonderful color. It was worth the time you've put into it! I'm sure Lyn would be pleased!

  7. Very pretty! My mouth is watering over that luscious thread!

  8. Lovely tatting. And that thread is scrumptious!

    Happy Easter!

  9. Gorgeous! Was there any particular reason you wanted a nine-sided motif or was it one of those 'just because' moments? And just what is it about pinks and browns combined that make for such luscious colorways ? :)

  10. So pretty! Those colors suit the pattern very well.

  11. absolutely gorgeous! u definitely shd do it again... :)

  12. Very pretty. Your additions and the thread color turned out to be a great combination.

  13. Pfff,,, yes! This is it! Sometimes you see things on blog that immediately catch your eye and make you say: YES!! This is it! And yes: this IS IT!! It all comes together: the motif, the thread AND your beautiful tatting! Great piece!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Stephanie, this experiment began when my twin sister, Igoya, asked me to tat a nine-sided snowflake for her.

    I went looking for nine-sided snowflakes and learned (silly me) that snowflakes only have six sides.

    There are precious few, if any, nine-sided motifs out there so I asked Sharon Briggs (Desigh_Tat) if snowflakes could be altered to make nine-sided motifs.

    Sharon incorporated the question into our Design_Tat lessons. The experimental motif is my result.

    (Whew, that was a long answer!)

  16. Oh how interesting! It's obvious I've been missing out by not taking the Design Tat course. The technical aspect of it all is quite fascinating. Again, beautiful job!

  17. That is gorgeous and the colors awesome! :)
