
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

An Austen Afternoon

Photo processing issues have not yet been resolved, so I beg your indulgence a while longer.

Today The Sprout and I are feeling much better. After lunch we go to visit Sw4nkyL4c3r to deliver a Christmas-in-July gift. The ladies have planned an Austen afternoon of tatting. The Sprout will show off his Hot Wheels and no doubt play games on my iPad.

Which Jane Austen film to choose? Persuasion, Miss Austen's final novel? Sense and Sensibility? (a personal favorite) Northanger Abbey? Pride and Prejudice?

Since I appear to be the last test tatter to complete it, I will be working on Heart's Honor by Wanda Salmans. So sorry to keep you waiting Wanda!


  1. If you're feeling wild and crazy, try "Bride and Prejudice" a Bollywood style musical, but in English.

  2. So glad you and The Sprout are feeling better! Hugs

  3. Glad you are feeling better! No rush, there is some other tweeking I have to do yet - if I ever get a chance to sit down and do it. Still catching up after the vacation.
    Hope you enjoyed your afternoon.

  4. Northanger! I vote Northanger!!!!

  5. Such a great idea, tatting with Austen. I think Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth as Mr Darcy.
