
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

St. Basil's Turns 450

Today's Google logo celebrates the 450th anniversary of St. Basil's cathedral.

Since my PhotoShop is on the fritz and my hand isn't steady enough for sharp, clear cell phone close-ups, I offer up Onion Dome. It was inspired by St. Basil's cathedral.

It is my first design effort. If you want the pattern, it's here in .pdf format.

(Thanks to CrazyMom for suggesting Keep and Share and holding my hand through the account set-up and file upload process.)

Tatting Tea Tuesday
No tatting has happened this week.

Today both The Sprout and I are under the weather with sinus pain and pressure. (Actually the 2 hounds are medicated too.) A heat advisory and a code orange air quality alert are in effect for a wide swath of my state, so we're staying indoors.

While Schoolhouse Rock plays for The Sprout, I peruse a lovely book that arrived today via post from - Tea with Jane Austen by Kim Wilson.

The dust jacket sums up my first impressions of this book concisely. "Who would not want to sit down with Jane Austen and join her in a cup of tea?"

As for tea, I am sipping iced Jack Frost - a caffeine-free herbal blend of African red bush, vanilla, peppermint and spearmint. Hoping it will help dispel the hateful heat.

Stay cool in your corner(s) of Tat Land. Wishing you all blissful me time to create something beautiful. See you next Tuesday for more communi-tea!


  1. It's my pleasure to be of assistance. You did the design - that's the hard part!

    Cool pattern!

    Get better - stay out of the heat and ozone....

  2. What a beautiful pattern- thank you so much for sharing!
    I also enjoyed the little pictorial tour of St. Basil's- thank you!

  3. You did a great job on a very pretty design. I hope you and Sprout get to feeling better soon. It is sweltering here too in southern Alabama. Oh how I sometimes long to live in the North.

  4. Thanks for sharing your pattern. Take care of yourself. Hope you're feeling better soon.
