
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tat Days 2011 Loot

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.”
~ Walt Disney

And there is more treasure at Tat Days than a Disney dreamer can imagine. It comes in many forms and guises.

Crazy Mom shared photos of her uber swag haul from Tat Days 2011, including the large tote bag, size 20 Omega thread and a clear bag jam-packed with nifty trinkets of every size and description.

I took the liberty of spreading mine out for a more detailed view. It is just one of the many ways Palmetto staff attend to every little detail for their guests. They excel at this.

Snack Room Treasure
Feeling peckish between classes? Need a late night snack? No problem. The snack room is filled to overflowing with every imaginable treat and refreshment. Another example of how Palmetto staffers attend to every little detail for their guests.

Finding Chocolate Strawberry tea in the snack room was a delightful surprise. I was so busy squealing with glee I forgot to snap a photo for the blog. Crazy Mom came to my rescue with this link - Chocolate Tea. Thanks, Crazy Mom!

Tat Days 2011 Spoils

Vending Room Treasure
Having experienced wicked, hedonistic shopping impulses in 2010, I came prepared with a shopping list. For the most part I stuck to it, only splurging on the Rosemarie Peel pattern book.

Two copies of Martha Ess' Playing with Picots and Tat Days 2011 Pattern CD were purchased. One copy of each item now lives in the Piedmont Lace Guild of Virginia's library.

Aren't you all impressed with my willpower?

Shuttle Lab Trends was a new vendor (for me) whose wares I am eager to try.

In 2009 I had seen photos of gorgeous, drool-worthy HDTs from this vendor, and lace made from them, show up on other blogs, but none were available in 2010.

Imagine me hovering vulture-like over the display of threads, beautifully blinged shuttles, etc., deciding what to take home. I bought four fabulous HDTs.

Beanile Treasure
The loot I am most thrilled about are Nina Libin's beanile lace kits.

Winter Solstice © 2011 Nina Libin

Did you see my first completed earring in the above photo? No? Here is a close up.

Dazzling, eh? When the second earring is finished I will block them together. Then on to the exquisite necklace and pendant. This could be the beginning of a beautiful beanile relationship.

The second kit is an icy, crystalline enchantment called "The Snow Queen - I." It will be a snow day tat later this winter. Nina gifted Crazy Mom with the Snow Queen - I earrings she tatted. You can see them here.

Can you believe I'm not finished? (Almost.) Crazy Mom was so generous, she let me pick out this custom mix of gemstone beads. They're so pretty!

And last but not least, Georgia Seitz handed me this creative button sample on the final day. Her online tatting class page gives lots of inspiration for embellishing them. I'm looking forward to playing around with these to see what I can come up with. Thanks, Georgia!

Here is what they look like when you find them in their commercial packaging.

Whew! My fingers are tired! I hope you enjoyed this loot post. Back to tatting for me!


  1. Now, that is a fabulous haul! I'm proud of you for being so restrained. I'm not sure I would have been! ; )

  2. I always found Palmettos literally overwhelming. So much good stuff and good tatters! Memories for years though and an invaluable experience! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences.

  3. Ooo, lots of goodies! It looks like you'll be busy for a long time.

  4. What a lotta luverly loot!!! I'm greeeeen with jealousy!

  5. Tat Days is the BEST! Being there is even better than the loot, if folks can believe that.

    Fabulous post!

  6. sooo inquiring minds want to know where you can find Shuttle Lab trends threads??? only at Palmetto? anywhere else? hhmmmmm

  7. Ladytats, Hope Bates and Lori Dunlap are the thread-dying geniuses behind Shuttle Lab Trends.

    In a blog comment posted on 17MAR2010 on Jane Eborall's blog, Sharren Morgan wrote:

    "They've [Hope and Lori] been doing the loveliest colorways for a couple of years now. Hope also does decorated shuttles (and she'll take requests, too, if you want something special on a shuttle)."

    Contact me privately if you need contact info (email) for Hope Bates.

  8. I should add:

    I have no idea what "dept. 11" means. Is it a code? An inside joke? An insidious plan to exercise my flabby, grey spaghetti?

    Inquiring minds want to know...

  9. Drooooling over your wonderful haul.

  10. Hi, thanks for your comment on my camel collection :-) I'm happy that you found my camels which I already posted last year. It's nice that somebody comes back to old posts. I like that.

    I have Talant, the knitted camel, for a long time on my ever-growing list of "wanna do sometimes". I guess, cute as it is, it still has to wait many years till I retire.

    Greetings from Hamburg
