
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting Room Giveaway

This photo of me tatting in the waiting room at the doctor's office (while DH's foot was being examined - notice I did not say 'head,' ha ha!) - was created with Paper Camera. The effect applied to the photo was called Comic (somethingorother), perhaps Comic Grunge?

Can anyone tell what it is I am tatting? (The lace draped over my right hand.)

The person who posts the first correct answer in the comments will win a 50-yard skein of hand-dyed thread from my stash.

I haven't yet chosen the winning thread, so tell me your favorite color and I will try to match the winner with HDT in his or her favorite color or at least a colorway that includes his or her favorite color.

I will not reveal the correct answer until Saturday, October 22nd at 12:00 noon EST. So hurry, that is less than three days away!

P.S. If nobody guesses the correct answer I will ask DH to take another photo with PaperCamera using another bit of tatting and you will have a second chance to win!

Everybody ready? Let the guessing begin!


  1. the bookmark out of playing with picots ,martha ess's new book. I am not too sure about the name of the pattern.

  2. Are you tatting the sunrise sunset bookmark?

  3. Canopy Bookmark from Martha Ess's new book, Playing With Picots is my guess!

  4. I think it's the Yes-U-Can doily. Clever manipulation of the photo. Oh, can I have another guess? I think you're tatting a noose for your hubby's neck - in case he keeps you waiting too long!!!

  5. sunrise, sunset bookmark from Martha Ess's Playing with Picots book

    purple or green

  6. It looks like Martha Ess's "Sunrise, Sunset" bookmark to me!

  7. I reckon it is an adaptation of Sunrise, Sunset Bookmark by Martha Ess to make a bracelet!
    Whatever it is.....clever effect with the photo!

  8. I think it looks like Mary Konior's "Curds & Whey" edging!

  9. It really does look like the sunrise, sunset bookmark - but I guess that's already been said. I really need to buy a copy of that book!

  10. I thought curds & whey from Konior too but also knowing you went to Palmetto's, I thought it could be Martha's bookmark. Both of my guesses are already mentioned by others, but what I really noticed was that you're a left handed tatter!

  11. Looks like Martha Ess' Sunrise, Sunset, but I'm dooming myself to never being the first correct answer here, as I'm about the 8th person to say so! I like blue and purple, anyway. :P

  12. I think you might be doing a hanky edging,

  13. I think it looks like the playing with picots bookmark.

  14. Well, to me it looks like the "Riddle" pattern found on the free-tatting site.

    Like the paper effect!

    If (big IF) by somechance I am right, then just surprise me with a color choice!

  15. It looks like a bookmark to me, but just to be different I will guess a leash :)

  16. Absolutely no idea, apart from what everyone else has said, so just to be different will say a necklace, it looks too thick for that but perhaps Jane is right it is a noose!!!
