
Monday, September 10, 2012

Back from Tat Days, Part 1

Freshly returned from Tat Days 2012, I couldn't wait to share details of my great adventure. 

But before I buckle down with my own offerings, I simply MUST point you over to Tat-licious blog to see two FAB photos from Tat Days -- taken by the disarmingly cute and lovable Livie -- who I will forever forward call "Livi-licious." 

Tat-ilicious: Guess who has returned? ... Capricious Miss Jane!

Where to begin?

This year instead of flying, a fellow tatter and I drove 9 hours to attend Tat Days. What could have been a long, grueling road trip was anything but. Can you believe we nattered on for 9 straight hours without even turning on the radio?

Close up of Cherry Blossom Quilt 1

This is just one small section of one of the cherry blossom-themed quilts created for the fund-raising scholarship auction.

Seventeen tatters were granted scholarships to attend Tat Days this year thanks to generous contributions from people like you. I was one of those 17 and I thank you from bottom of my heart.

This is a full view of the same quilt. What an astounding effort of artistic beauty.

A second quilted work of art was offered up for auction showcasing a single branch. The blossoms are light and delicate, just like real cherry blossoms.

But my favorite of the three primary quilt offerings was this one.

Graceful branches offset by blocks of Japanese art prints. It was breathtaking.

Last but not least is this table runner with a beautiful blossoming branch and a swarm of tatted butterflies. le sigh

Well, this is a good place to pause while I prepare more for you to feast your eyes upon. Stay tuned for Tat Days, part 2.


  1. Wow...and I thought the snowflake quilt last year was stunning, the cherry blossoms are just exquisite!

  2. Yes, each year I think, 'they can't possibly top this,' and yet they outdo themselves every year!

    And there is so much more to share...

  3. Le sigh, bien sur que oui.

    Tat Days is the BEST fun! And you were the BEST ROOMMATE ever!!!!

    Can't wait 'til next year...

  4. I love your close-up pictures! I'll be there one day... promise!

  5. I adore the Livi-licious idea! I really do need to have a "Livi-licious" colorway. Livi says she wants it to be pink and purple. :o)

    It was wonderful meeting you this weekend. I'm hoping your lil' man can come too next year! :o)

  6. Wow, those quilts are beautiful! Thank you ship much for sharing them with those of us that couldn't bee there

  7. Sounds like a great start to tat adventures! Envious.

    Lovely quilt and table runner. Looking forward to the next.
