
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tat Days, Episode 2

The One With Swag and Shameless Name-dropping
This post focuses on cool stuff I received from even cooler people and the many tatting celebrities I had the pleasure to meet (and heckle or lure into hijinx).

When I got home, I emptied the contents of my "welcome" goodie bag (where I had also stored my purchases) and this is what was inside.

What you don't see is the gallon-sized zip-top baggie filled with all sorts of tatting treasure. Like a tiny fairy shuttle and a needle case and an emergency tatting survival kit, and a bookmark sleeve. Truly too much to mention it all. Double what you see and you have a good idea of my loot haul.

Can you believe there's more?

I was the blushing recipient of some incredible gifts. (Still blushing.)

These pretty beaded posies were a gift from Marie Smith who, rumor has it, made 100 to hand out. Was not able to confirm the rumor (I was too busy admiring the exquisiteness.) but I wore this proudly on my name tag.  Thank you, Marie!

The inimitable Erin Holloway made this brooch for me after I groveled at her feet the previous year, begging for a similar brooch to the one I had failed to win in the silent auction. You can see why! Isn't it gorgeous? Sometimes groveling (and being willing to match the winning silent auction donation) pays off.  To say I will cherish this always doesn't even begin to express my joy. Thank you, Erin!

Truly, I felt like the Belle of the Ball wandering around Tat Days with these two knockout accessories.

No amount of thanks can match Louine Teague's thoughtfulness in creating this tea wallet.  I was, and still am, so touched that she made this in honor of Tatting Tea Tuesday. See the teapot closure? This beauty will come with me everywhere.  Thank you, Louine!

In addition to the multiple beads, threads and other goodies showered upon me by my Tat Days roomie, CrazyMom, I was the gleeful recipient of this stunning bookmark tatted in Gina Brummet's Tequila Sunrise (one of Tatskool's superb HDTs) and a lovely forest green. Thank you, CrazyMom!

CrazyMom also gifted Sprout with a Spiderman Pez, which he couldn't wait to open. It took him all of 15 seconds to load it and start gobbling candy. A special Spiderman Pez tooth-brushing session promptly followed.

This item was the first one I received. It was a gift from my tatting guild mate, friend and carpool buddy.  She made it after hearing that my county fair entries did not garner any ribbon love this year. It meant so much to know that she was inspired by my tatting and thought it was ribbon worthy.  I wore this proudly and with a whole lot of gratitude.

Anita also gifted The Sprout which made him very, very happy. It was one of those cotton cloths that are compressed into a tiny, tiny package so they will "grow" when you open them.  Of course, Sprout spirited it away before I could take a photo. Thank you, Anita!

One last gift came from the irrepressible Hegla, who I believe secretly doubles as one of Santa's Helpers. There were bead jars, a frame that showcases tatting from both sides, a pretty notebook and four LEGO-esque building kits for the Sprout. Plus more bead-sharing and a yard of Coronation cord. Thank you, Hegla!

It's hard to be humble when you're surrounded by such a wealth of tatting riches, in talent, generosity and largesse. Sharren Morgan expressed it so much better than I ever could in her post We Had a Blast (from the Past).  I cannot thank everyone enough for all the effort put into the numerous and mind-boggling gifts we received at Tat Days.

Recounting all the goodies makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning. It is a good feeling.

After an intermission we'll dive into Shameless Name Dropping. Go refresh your drink, grab a snack or do what you need to do. I will wait. 

This paragon of tatting has so many fine talents, auctioneering being but one, she deserves her very own name-brand chocolate. White chocolate, of course.

Georgia Seitz

This clever gent permitted me to tease "da udder brudder" through text messaging for the better part of a day. File under "Look Ma, a Shuttle Brother!"

Randy Houtz

Let the record show that Randy was spotted dancing a jig when he thought no one was looking. Here Randy is plying his shuttle during a class.

Lastly, an article written about The Shuttle Brothers called "Men Who Tat"

Marilee, the Yarnplayer, and Sue Anna (of Tollway Tatters fame) traveled from the Prairie State to join the frivolité. Both were sheer delights to be around: charming, funny, insightful and in possession of secret stashes of HDT. What more could an Unrepentant Thread Junkie hope for? I was in heaven for so many reasons.

Marilee and Sue Anna

Ah, Nina Libin.  I am in such awe of her design talent and her patient teaching style that I flock to her classes. But this year I was treated to being in classes with her as a student as well as a teacher. She is incredible. Amazing. I accomplish things in her classes I never thought I could.

Go take a class from this wonderful woman. I hear she may be teaching in the Fingerlakes region of NY in Spring 2013. 

Nina Libin

I was surprised by this next celebrity tatter because I had been chatting in the reception area with her for several minutes before realizing to whom I was speaking.

Her name tag read "Sue F"  (or maybe Sue K?) and it wasn't until she had a flash of recollection about the name "IsDihara" that we figured out we "knew" each other online.

I recall Susan said something vaguely resembling, "Oh, I know! You're the tatter who wrote me, asking for permission to use my pattern combined with some other one, a fleur de lis or something."

And I said something like, "Oh my God, you're Susan Fuller?!? THE Susan Fuller who designed Heart's Desire? That's one of my favorite heart patterns."

And before you could say 'Bob's your uncle' we were talking a blue streak. Tat Days is the BEST!!!
IsDihara, Hegla, CrazyMom and Susan Fuller

Sadly (thankfully?), that is all the photos I have for today, but hopefully the long trek to the bottom of the post hasn't been too grueling.  Go stretch your legs, flex your tatting muscles and meet me back here in a day or so for Tat Days, Episode 3.

Thank you for reading!


  1. I was very excited when Marie contacted me to ask if she could use my flower dangle pattern to make gifts for you all at Tat Days, it made me feel as if I was participating (sort of). Am excited all over again to see a picture of the flower dangle Marie gave to you, I'm glad you wore it! It looks as though you all had great fun. Thanks for the photos.

  2. Tat Days was so much fun! I'm so happy that I was able to meet you and so many of the other tatters. You've got some great photos here!

  3. Thank you for your lovely post with so much fun and pictures. I suspect I will have to retire (many years from now) before I can go to Tat Days so this felt a little bit like being there. I'm so envious of you all!

  4. oh so much fun and such a lot of goodies.
    Thank you for sharing with those of us who can't yet go.
    you whet the appetite to keep us wanting. Hope to get there someday.

  5. I am in SERIOUS Tat Days withdrawal!! I can't wait for "Tatting Takes Wing," in 2013!!

    It was a truly wonderful weekend, and like you, I met so many wonderful folks with whom I've corresponded - some just a little, some for a couple of years (or more!). I'm ready to load up the truck and run back up the road to Toccoa, and do the whole weekend again ("Groundhog Day," where are you when I need you??)!

  6. I am still drooling over the broach Erin made you.

    Da Udder Roomie....

  7. It was fun!! I look forward to Episode 3. I wished I was there.

  8. OMG, it's such a fun trip! Only the 2nd episode of the adventure, and I'm already intrigued by so many tatting celebrities (yourself included) you met! Can't wait for the next day...

    And, LOOK at that LOOT! :D

  9. I'm really enjoying reading your posts about Tat Days - all sounds so wonderful! And it's nice to put faces to so many well-known tatting names.
